
It's not a matter of agreement. There is nothing to agree with. Willful ignorance of observable ( in the scientific sense, not the jesus on a tortilla chip sense), demonstrable phenomenon is not a position worthy of respect. It's just plain stupidity. Belief has nothing to do with it.

Yes, the more important question is why are Americans so stuck on this? Nobody else in the industrialized world can be bothered. Sometimes I think the U.S. is populated by primitive backwoods hillbillies, even in the urban areas ( yes, I know it is a contradiction).

Is this poetry? Experimental prose? No. Its meant to be a piece of commentary journalism. It's not the job of the reader to have to make guesses at what the writer may or may not mean. This is a poorly conceived, poorly written bit of nonsense about an important problem. Why Jezebel publishes this shitty writer is

Heliocentric? Being heliocentric is the opposite of creationism? That doesn't make any sense. This is shoddily written article about something actually important.

I'm into it but I did grow up in the commonwealth and live in London for a time and have lots of relatives in the UK. But I do think she's an admirable person and to keep it going for this long is amazing. I think the job of monarch is much harder than most people imagine and she's done it for 60 years. It'll be

same here. He's adorbs. He was funny on snl.

The problem is not her smarts. The problem is her character.

why is this woman so horrible? The war crimes, the homophobic political alignment while she ' shares a house and a line of credit with another woman'. How does someone get to be so awful?

I don;t really know who he is or what his music is like but he is cute as a button.

I've also heard the rumours about Zhang Ziyi for a looonnngg time. Gong Li and Zhang Yimou were widely known as a couple, or she was his muse or something like that. She went and married Singaporean business man and divorced him pretty much as soon as she got citizenship. She seems pretty tame, these days, celebrity

This Shields guy is not a real artist, he's a commercial photographer, a sort of celebrity photographer cum shock jock. He's a phony. Destroying luxury items has been done so many times it's really trite now. It's even more trite when you use the idea to make a glossy picture for a commercial publication. The idea is

THIS. So this. I know if I lose 20 pounds Ill be quicker, brighter of mind, my knees will go on longer, my sciatica will improve ... There are just so many benefits to not carrying extra weight. I'm giving up alcohol for the summer and training for a tri because this is just so much more important than " looking good".

Bali is the wealthiest island in Indonesia, it's where other indonesians go to for work. Ethnic Balinese are generally the business owners and they employ migrants from Java other islands to do the more menial work. Tourists can't tell the difference so frequently assume all the 'locals are Balinese. This is

This is why I HATE National Geographic, because I think publications like NG frame the Other in such a way that legitimizes that sort of intrusion in the name of scientific inquiry. It's utter B.S. and shoddy artistry. Gah

I was with you until your last sentence when you outed yourself as another clueless git.

So, I'm from those parts. And I shop at J Crew. The kids look a little confused, prob cause one day they were playing soccer and then they got plucked away to play dress up with strangers. But I think kids are used as accessories in photo shoots all the time, black white brown whatever. I also thought the pictures

But she rescued that Lennon guy from the purgatory of pop stardom. We love you Yoko!!

I think the only red flag in the case of paying for dates is when somehow you always get stuck with the tab. Let him pay, or split it somehow etc, BUT A GUY WHO EXPECTS OR MANIPULATES YOU TO PAY FOR HIM IS TOTAL LOSER. Feminism, equal rights blah blah blah - no self-respecting guy sticks a woman with his end of the

It's because they were picked too early to make it to market. It's a balancing act for growers. Pick too late, the flower is dead on arrival. Pick too early, they're not developed enough to open.

Sigh, this will be a downer. I want to encourage people to be conscientious of where they buy anything - flowers included. Most florists source from industrial flower growers in South America, Asia and Europe. Then they are flown refrigerated to the US. Meaning that your flowers probably have more airmiles than you.