Why is nobody talking about the savage crime against graphic design here? Won't someone please think of the Graphic Design?
Why is nobody talking about the savage crime against graphic design here? Won't someone please think of the Graphic Design?
Yeah, she said she doesn;t believe in divorce but she'll bow out tearfully saying with regrets " it just didn;t work out" and then write a song about it and take up with a much younger and better looking man.
what about power of attorney, the right to make medical decisions etc? That seems to me one of the most important rights that marriage would give gay couples in the U.S.
does marriage in france confer more legal protections than PACS?
PACS for everyone!
you can come up with a better excuse than that, or you know, improve your mind / body connection so you don't find yourself in bed with women you're not attracted to.
I knew a guy who thought he had ED. He would chug zinc pills by the handful because he thought it was supposed to cure it ( ?). His "problem" was he could only maintain an erection with a woman he felt comfortable with and attracted to. Damn fool never considered that his penis was trying to tell him something. I know…
because the children are extensions of their virility and also their legacy to the world. Love is irrelevant, ego is where it's at. The child is an extension object, not a person.
You know he did it on purpose right? cooked a lousy meal so you all would never schedule him again. Classic passive aggressive manipulation. You think you unscheduled him but that was his master plan all along - never show competence in something you don't want to do.
I know a math guy like that, pure math = flaky
I've met these MPDGuys, they always stick you with the check and expect to smile / fuck their way out of it.
uh huh, so howabout when you guys lie and future fake or pretend to be someone you're not what then? If someone chooses such a guy is it still her fault because she was supposed to mind read past all his bullshit? Cause I've definitely met that kind of guy who lies and then is like " you should have known I was…
what happened to hating the Puerto Ricans?
Google " Japanese Occupation of Singapore, Malaysia, Korea, China etc etc " Basically the Japanese had it in their heads that they would be the great colonial power in Asia, and their ally Germany would be the great power in Europe. So there was a war of aggression to displace the European colonial powers in Asia. The…
Yeah, as someone from one one of those countries that the Japanese waltzed through I'd say so few Americans or Europeans have any clue what happened over there. There was a holocaust in Asia as well, an even bigger one. And the Japanese won;t even acknowledge that it happened. I born in a hospital in which the…
it is most definitely anything but cool. They contract with prisons in order to skirt minimum wage laws. It's essentially slave labor.
IKEA's labor practices in the US are utterly deplorable, on par with Walmart. I will never go there again. BUt there isn;t much choice in my price range.
Their labour practices in the U.S. are deplorable.
I guess I'll stick to watching the Spanish Liga where the men are ( mucho mucho) better looking. MLS doesn;t need new fans, right? It's a well established league with legions of loyal fans for generations now. Oh it's not? Maybe shouldn't call women fans uggos then.