I made this for you
I made this for you
O'Rilly? Interesting, you think thuglife and IKEA are semantically equivalent?
This is the last one today. I promise.
are seriously suggesting that personalized and institutionalized racism exist in discrete spheres of experience?
there is this thing called 'context'
I think you may be placing a Jezebel article under more pressure than it can reasonably be expected to bear.
"but as a Latino I do not have a history of racism towards others" O'Rilly?
ooooh, can you provide a link to the page / performance etc?
WOW. Talk about defensive.
refer to paragraph about disproportionate power
like hell it is
RE: Your comment
I watched some of their films the other night. Sigh, could never be made today.
yeah, she's not funny about race, that's her problem. To be funny, you have to "get it" first.
Clueless Casually Racist Hipster White Girl agrees with you
Clueless Casually Racist Hipster White Girl agrees with you 100%.
Clueless Casually Racist Hipster White Girl would like to know how you post memes to make them appear. She feels seriously misunderstood by this article.
I suggest you stick around for the comments before you decide whether white people trying to identify insidious forms of racism from within their bubble is really a patronising act. The trolls are on their way.
It's someone whose existence is predicated on being "in" on trends, frequently with an ironic take on what they perceive to be lame mainstream culture. Most hipsters grow out of it by the time they are 30.