
""Well, race is a complicated issue." Except, no, it's not. Race is one of the least complicated issues that there is, because it's made up. It's arbitrary. "

I lol'ed. Let's speculate about what his parents did to him.

ultimately the book is about Atonement, but it goes through a very dark place to get there. Basically it's about a white academic man who is kind of a loser ( stock Coetzee character ) who is holding on to his place in the New South Africa by a thread. And all the supporting characters serve to ask " what the hell is

read the book, the movie is ok but missing a lot. it's very very subtle. Yes the white daughter is raped and robbed. But those are not the only black characters. There are many others. Nobody is a shining anything, least of all the protagonist, nobody is ever a shining anything in any Coetzee novel. the point is that

"People editor Janet Mock" ??? Is this a joke?

there are many in the book Disgrace by J.M. Coetzee. But then again, he did win a Nobel prize, so he has some skillz.

someone stop me, i might need to meme.

thanks, I think I might have memeing problem.


I never presume to know what you mean.

I heard of a case where this guy went to college some where in the South and the first thing he did was put up a huge rebel flag in his room. His roommate complained. The kicker is that the guy was black and the roommate was white. His parents had banned it in their home and his display was a F U to their draconian (

if she leaned to one side all night so it stayed the hindu symbol I'd be ok with it. Mostly because I think that the effort required to do that is a sort of penance.

oh god, i forgot all about the travesty of ginger spice

I believe " clueless casually racist hipster white girl" meme can be repurposed for this thread.
