
honestly, I think it's a generational thing. A lot of my students are very fearful of everything. Everyone has OCD, everyone is allergic to everything, everyone has a body image disorder, everyone is bipolar, everyone has ADHD... I don't find it a stretch to imagine that sex is terrifying for these girls, it's hard to


I'm not going to comment anymore, I am only going to meme

I'm not going to comment anymore, I'm just going to meme

correction - when bad writers create black characters they are very often criticized for their ham fisted attempts.

I memed your comment!

uh-oh, I think I memed this thread.

right? the last season was meh, but this is good. good characters, good writing, I love that they are setting the stories against current events of that time period.

what that pathetic guy is saying is that she is crazy for having anything to do with him because he knows what an unworthy piece of crap he is.

You majored in 20th century African American Arts and Culture and you don't have a single black friend? Even Malinowski made friends with the Trobriand Islanders.

not sophisticated but his self directed films are well integrated with lots of minorities in non-token parts. I noticed that and was like " nice " so I would expect better.

If anyone is still reading this thread, I channeled some anger into a meme using this thread and a picture of Lesley Arfin. It's at

N ot sure it this works. Never done its before. How to make meme appear?

Bad/limited artists write about themselves, good artists write about the World in which they live, that requires that you seriously observe the world in which you live, all of it. If you're exactly like these characters right down to the self-absorption, then sure you're going to relate to the show, that

"But I can't help but wonder if there isn't something more going on here, some sense of outrage that this particular 25-year-old has a show —- can we be happy for her while demanding Hollywood diversify itself? "

It really doesn't bother me that the Girls are clueless and privileged. Cluelessness and privilegedness also deserve representation, especially right now. What bothers me is that the SHOW itself is clueless. That magical homeless negro minstrel at the end? WTF was that? I can't recall anything that cringe worthy on

Lena Dunham world is integrated, she just unintentionally chose not to integrate her show. She said so herself.