
School of Resentment is intellectual effete cousin to John Derbyshire's School of Empiricism. What a family.

"To have one rule for blacks and another rule for whites, based on no more than the color of their....well, now that's racist, ain't it?"

"They are extremely educated, overly self-aware, flawed, interesting young women, so why wouldn't race come up?"

Sue. Document your hours. See if the ACLU or other of its ilk will take the case. The federal government should be observing its own laws.

And you never have to wait if it is time sensitive or life threatening. NHS isn't going to delay your chemo but your health insurance company will in the hopes that you just die.

Conratulations! You have just demonstrated a high level of creepiness.

There is a way he could have said it uncreepy, like " do you live in such and such neighborhood? I live / was there today. I may have seen you on the block, do you have a red/blue/pink scarf?" Seeing someone round town isn't creepy in and of itself.

There is a way he could have said it uncreepy, like " do you live in such and such neighborhood? I live / was there today. I may have seen you on the block, do you have a red/blue/pink scarf?" Seeing someone round town isn't creepy in and of itself.

There is a way he could have said it uncreepy, like " do you live in such and such neighborhood? I live / was there today. I may have seen you on the block, do you have a red/blue/pink scarf?" Seeing someone round town isn't creepy in and of itself.

ok, people who use the word creep to describe someone over 40 etc. are immature brats that everyone else can see coming a mile away. There's no need to malign a perfectly good word because someone stupid uses it wrongly.

total creep. ewwww. whiny too.

whatever, you're telling me whiny whine whine wiener MRA losers can't handle being told what they are? Color me not surprised. Yawn. If someone calls you a creep it's because you are being a creep and they don't want you around, to hell with your hurty hurt hurt feeeeeelings. Grow up and figure out how to be a

If we can't have a Blachelor howabout a bachelor Ku Klux Klan member and a racially diverse house of women? It would be good fun if he kourted a kardashian. I kid , I kid. Cancel the sexist lookist travesty already.

my worst nightmare.

It's like the country who went out and bought some shiny shiny rims ( wars) and didn't fix the roof ( social fabric) and now it's raining on the inside ( people poor and sick). But look at those rims! They be spinning and spinning! ( credit to Chris Rock).

" even when you don't have insurance, catastrophic events aren't really castrophic. "

The more I think about it I think the show is poorly conceived and written. Sure, it's self aware, but not actually aware. I don;t think the folks complaining about the lack of POC necessarily want one of the main characters to be a minority. What we want is visibility as part of the fabric of life. You don;t need to

When I live in NYC at your age it was $400 per month from BCBS and I thought that was a lot!

What state are you in? $140 per month for BCBS is cheap! I would do that.

That's not even counting all the under insured. And yes, that means you. You are most definitely probably under insured. Think you can pay the 20% of your cancer treatment on your depressed wages? Don't kid yourself. If you don;t work for a large employer your individual self or small group selves will be kicked off a