The Homework Ogre

Right!? It’s 95% style. Perfect.

Because my TV and soundbar aren’t comparable to a silver screen several feet tall and a theatrical sound system. Even the new reclining seats at my local theater are more comfortable than my shitty old couch. There are fewer distractions for me at a movie theater, because I actually shut my phone off (as opposed to

Now suddenly everyone’s like “Oh boy, now they can bring in Dr. Doom to replace him for the rest of the multiverse saga!”

Phases 4 and 5 will hereon in be referred to as the “gas leak phases”

Why would the UK even need Jeopardy when it has Numberwang?

Mel Gibson didn’t get canceled though. He got nominated for several Oscars and Golden Globes and just starred in the John Wick TV show.

I think he is an interesting choice and will do really well, by the looks of things.

And keep in mind, every bit of this is the stuff his lawyers DIDN’T think was so bad that no one should hear it.

Isn’t this like, textbook emotional abuse? The instant your partner seems to have a credible complaint about your behavior that someone might sympathise with, pivot immediately to suddenly crashing self-esteem and threats to kill yourself?

Of course it’s empty. It’s based on the Avatar IP, so it’s going to be marketed and over-commercialized to hell and back.

Lets hope that when he died Carter got a quickening and now is more powerful then ever.  

“Once you’ve been to Cambodia, you’ll never stop wanting to beat Henry Kissinger to death with your bare hands. You will never again be able to open a newspaper and read about that treacherous, prevaricating, murderous scumbag sitting down for a nice chat with Charlie Rose or attending some black-tie affair for a

The diehard Sonic fans at the worst.

All right, let’s see if anyone sees this.

I like Maron’s view on these jokes, especially Rife's apology with the special needs helmet - it’s so fucking hack. We’re kind of doing a disservice to the shittiness of the jokes by talking about whether or not they’re “offensive.” They’re just examples of middle of the road hack comedy. That should be the story, and

This might be a personal hangup, but it is so risky to declare a character a good writer, artist, etc., and this show does it a lot. None of the fake art is particularly good and some of it looks or sounds dreadful.”

I’ve never been able to get trhough Sense8's first episode because it declares the German girl to be

The commercials for this really show the straining reach for the prestige the show wants. It’s trying so hard I almost feel bad for how little I want to watch it.

Hiddleston’s “Don’t set the multiplier down because it WILL roll off...” had all the barely-concealed exhaustion of a parent who REALLY wants to yell at his kid, but he’s in public in front of other parents and can only half smile as he whisper-screams at the kid who keeps making the same mistake. Perfection.

No build is the way. His facial expression showed the disdain for the weird sweat builders instantly when asked. 

Yeah, but the Squid Game on the show wasn’t rigged. What made the whole concept so dark was that people who lost the games were killed, but the games actually were set up to be fair contests. Given that, I don’t think it’s unreasonable for people signing up for the reality version to expect that the reality show would