
Cercei's walk of shame might be more apt. (now with 100% more pussy grabbing)

Counterintuitively: maybe we can paper the Trump administration to the point of obstruction.

I think at least Kagan, Sotomayor, Roberts, and Alito are going to be around a while.

Hey, remember those religious zealots from the 80s and 90s? They fucked, didn't use birth control, and taught their kids how to live, think, and vote.

Unity? No. This is a struggle that might as well have a bleak Werner Herzog narration.


Heh, I figured the older AV Club Disqus accounts got eaten by the servers like mine.

Let's be vigilant. And plan.

The A.V. Club

To be fair, having a book is a long-ass way away from having broken a script, planning scenes, planning actions and casts for the scenes, figuring out the sets and how to use the sets, figuring out the costume needs and timing, blocking, etc. The vision has to be established in order for the logistics to follow.

If you want to rag on a Sofia Coppola acting job, Godfather III is that way.

<donald trump="">


"But enough about Donald Trump, let's talk about Minions."

Caption Contest?

You see this, Great Job, Internet!? THIS is Great Job, Internet!

Here's my experience with this movie:

Aw fuck!

Can we not swing from extreme to extreme for a fucking minute?

I came across 2 Fast 2 Furious last night on Spike, and upon further inspection…..Tyrese takes his shirt off so often it distracted me from the creepy Ludacris-trying-to-bang-underage-looking-Asian-model vibe.