
Fuck Yeah Thread:

Some examples:
- An attempt on a family member's life (Godfather movies)
- An attempt on the character's own life (pretty much all non-rape revenge movies)
- Intellectual curiosity or mental compulsion (Close Encounter of the Third Kind)
- Violation of property (Bicycle Thief, I guess?)
- Rape of the male character

So you're saying the cars will bottom out in a tailpipe-to-tailpipe scene?

I really don't want to appropriate "Thanks, Obama" for Trump, so I humbly propose:

"Wait, you're going to pay me to dry-hump Charlize Theron?"

Hi, the 2008 and 2012 GOP would like to have a word with you.

We'll find out soon enough. Check out all the reports on increases in sexual/racial harassment and assault in the past 48 hours.

"Joel, Kylo Ren is a human character, so why did you want eight nipples on him?"

Personally I loved the leads. Best part of the movie. Can't wait to see what they do next.

Oh, that group hug got me misty…

I will not. I will stay in my bumfuck Deep South city and try to sneak progressivism into everything I can, and try to figure out a good way to organize and volunteer.

I donated to Planned Parenthood and ACLU and joined The Guardian as a paying supporter.

No, it's going to suck.

You're forgetting the midterms.

To be fair to your POV, there will often (possibly always) be people who lose something when there are changes, even in a net-positive case. It's what gets put in place to help them come back that matters, which the Democrats have demonstrably failed to tackle in this election. Things become zero-sum when the first

God? Mercy? I see we haven't lost our sense of humor yet.

I know people who have cried all night. I've been up since 4AM and stood under a hot shower and sighed until the hot water ran out. Co-workers taking a personal day, etc.

Shit, I just texted with my parents and we came to the horrible realization that W is the ceiling right now.

Eyes Wide Shut did prescribe it as the proper response to an existential crisis, but then again most of us don't look like 1998-Tom Cruise.

Yes I do. Firmly.