Black Phillip

Legion might be up there as my favorite X-related production, movie or otherwise.

I care since New Mutants eventually turns into X-Force.

Some guy I worked with years ago wrote “oats” on sack, threw it over his shoulder and was haulin’ oats. *sad trombone*

Not trying to sound like an Internet Tough Guy™, but I thought Bone Tomahawk was waaayyyy better than The Hateful Eight.

oh fuck yeah. bone tomahawk fucking owned, so im deffo gonna check this one out.

Now playing

When I read the book it reminded me of Stalker, with “Area X” replacing “The Zone” (it was based on the Russian sci-fi novel called Roadside Picnic). Coincidentally, Tarkovsky’s movie has just been restored/Criterionized.

What about Logan Lucky Logan Lucky Logan’s Run?

Had a chance to see this on Sunday and blew it, not realizing it was a one-day only screening at my local art house theater. Hopefully it gets a release beyond NY and LA in the next few months, or my dream of completing the Logan Logan Lucky Lucky 2017 trifecta is toast.

Nickoledon already did that, didn’t you ever watch Motherfucking Clarissa Explains All That Fucking Shit.


Look at all the ones and ones and ones of comments on this article!

Before the Kinjapocalypse there would have been 1,000 posts on this review by now. Instead we have less than 75.

Top Tier films based on King work (A+):

He was the best of The 4400, and also Luke Cage.

This addresses the two big problems about season 2, one of which HBO already acknowledged elsewhere: that it was only half-cooked and they rushed it to air to try to capitalize on the success of season 1 (which Pizzolatto had been working on, intermittently, for a long time).

Mahershala Ali?!! Count me in!!!

They did it. They somehow found a way for me to check out another season. DAMN YOU, SAULNIER!

Movie was great….

loved it, that is all

The reviews I've read so far have been very positive. Beyond that, quit moaning and man-up, you pussy. No one likes a whiner.