Champagne of Beers

in what fucking way of planning a mass killing of innocent people at a party the American way of life...asshat

Poor liberals. Don’t you just hate it when your “right wing conservative” conspiracy theory falls apart?

“It’s bizarre because it doesn’t fit my narrative.” - Anna “dumb fuck” Merlan

Worse - married people with kids. We could snap at any moment because GODDAMMIT COULD WE HAVE A MOMENT’S PEACE IN THIS HOUSE?!? FOR ONCE?!

This is the 6th mass shooting by a minority this year, outnumbering white mass shootings.


Fucking crickets is right.....i would expect nothing less from this crowd. All the SJW’s were drooling at the mouth because of the “3 white males” that they thought were involved.

You need to read something other than left-wing blogs. He recently returned from Saudi Arabia with his wife, was a “devout Muslim” and had a neighbor that did not report their strange behavior and visits for fear of “profiling.” Time to get your head out of your ass.

Ah, a MUSLIM couple that recently returned from Saudi Arabia and that had a neighbor that did not report strange behavior and visits to their home for fear of “profiling.”

Were you around when Gawker posted the photo and facebook profile of the wrong Adam Lanza? Classic.

Married person here: No, you really cannot. We are a shifty bunch. Best not to ever turn your backs on us.

Yesterday: It’s gotta be white conservative gun nut ammo sexual Christian types.

No no...THIS is your TRUE Handy Dandy Pocket Guide To Mass Shootings.

“the truth is turning out more bizarre” That muslims shot up a building? Ask your friends in Paris....

I saw a ton of people getting boners betting on white conservative Christian males. The house won that bet.


Oh yeah if the killers are white no big deal. No big fucking deal. Right.

Probably getting the same boner everyone on Gawker got when they thought it was crazy white christians.

Married people, can we really trust them?

So effing what? This is a story? Must be a slow day what with shootings and stuff.