Champagne of Beers

Non story - the photographer has said she had no problem. And if she was uncomfortable with the owner being on set, does she not realize that she is posing naked for a mens magazine and men all over the world (a lot creepier than the owner) will be looking at it?

“She tweeted it on Instagram before Facebooking it on Snapchat and pinning it on Periscope,” the spokesman, Milos Blagojevic, at Full Picture Management, told Media Ink.

That’s what they say, but I refuse to believe it. Call me hopelessly naive or a crazy radical, but I still buy that “of the people, for the people” BS.

Ok so. I’m a huge star wars nerd. And i’m dressing up opening day, missing work, and waiting in line. the whole shebang.'re kidding, yes?

Mr. Novak, even though I agree with your position that the kind of pop, new-agey, ambiguity-ladden Chopraksisms are bullshit in the sense of containing little truth, and being meaningless (or rather, having so many meanings as to be meaningless), if you ran that study on a deep (demonstrably true) statement , you’d

Jezebel women are being fingered for excusing her rape in yesterday’s post.

So they took a bunch of meaningless and vague statements added in one tweet and because they rated all roughly the same his tweet is also nonsense? Where's the control group of statements that generally are not considered bullshit. This doesn't seem to be a solid conclusion.

“Deepak Chopra is known around the world for spouting pseudo-scientific garbage wrapped up in spiritual feel-goodery.”

But what if the allegations aren’t true?

Is any of it inaccurate?

considering they arrested him, and said its a black dude in the article Jezebel sourced. It probably isn’t a white dude

considering they arrested him, and said its a black dude in the article Jezebel sourced. It probably isn’t a white dude

considering they arrested him, and said its a black dude in the article Jezebel sourced. It probably isn’t a white dude

um, considering they arrested him, and said its a black dude in the article Jezebel sourced. It probably isn’t a white dude

*crowd chant* Speculate! Speculate!

I wonder why the race of the wannabe shooter is so insignificant (for a change), that you don’t even bother to mention it? On second thought, I’m not really surprised.

But hasn’t Secretary Clinton done this before, stopped using her maiden name when campaigning (because of focus groups/polling/handlers) only to start using it again after being elected?

Lamborghini cars should be limited to 15mph from the factory.

As much as it pains me to say, I don’t think Obama gonna send the DOJ in for fear of making a friend look bad and like he can’t handle his job.