Champagne of Beers

Yes, but where do you think “government” assistance comes from?

I wasn’t there, and neither were you. But since you seem to know the future, would you mind sharing the lotto numbers for next week?

Cops aren’t superheros nor are they required to get stabbed as part of their job.

LOL, no, why would that be OK in Chicago?

I’m saying that people who receive that help shouldn’t act like no one has ever helped them get where they are because they are lying - both to themselves and everyone else.

It’s also irreversible that he was acting strange, high on PCP, and strutted with a knife down the middle of the road right into within 21 feet of an officer. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

He was walking perpendicular to the officers. Right before he is shot, he turns towards them a little.

He wasn’t walking ‘away.’

Yes, but one is given voluntarily (some would even say lovingly!) and the other is forcibly taken. If you can’t see the difference...well, you can, you just don’t want to.

He may not have been “coming right for him,” but he certainly wasn’t “walking away” either. Looks like it will be up to the jury, huh?

Just because you receive assistance doesn’t negate hard work.

There’s a difference between family and government assistance.

Your inability to connect your fear of being stabbed with someone strutting down the street high on PCP ignoring commands from police, with being shot, is astounding.

From watching the video, and the glint of light reflected off it, I have a hard time believing it is only 3 inches. Have you seen a picture of the knife in evidence?

Are you suggesting that not calling it a combat knife makes it any less dangerous?

Oh my god, you’re serious.

Nice try, but a knife is not a firearm. Even if it were, Illinois is not open carry.

My favorite part of the bill of rights is the part where it guarantees the right to strut down the middle of a street holding a combat knife, high on PCP.

Right, because all Gawker commenters are self-hating whites.

Effectively no, there isn’t. It’s the same reason people like you think Mike Brown was the victim of some great injustice, when it turns out according to the evidence, both forensic and eyewitness, than the real victim was Officer Wilson. It’s because you emptyheads repeat shit nonstop on Gawker that has no basis in