Champagne of Beers

My unique skill is spotting dicks, you dick.

Because there’s nothing “scientific” about the study, and they aren’t “researchers.” Just an opportunity to hate on Deepak.

Nothing pisses off liberals more than inconvenient truths.

It’s true! If you want to piss off a liberal, quote some facts. They hate it!

You’re right. His parenting and upbringing probably had nothing to do with the life choices that led him to his string of convictions and carrying an illegal switchblade.

He/she’s no more a troll than everyone else saying they know it’s a white dude, because reasons.

If you repeat a lie enough times do you believe its true?

Police have narrowed the list of suspects to Gawker Media commenters.

You’re missing the point...if he doesn’t send in the DOJ (like he did with ferguson, cleveland, and zimmerman), he is nothing more than a corrupt hypocrite politician (which is all Chicago produces anyways).

I think you’re exactly right. Obama will show his true colors by not sic’ing the DOJ on his old chief of staff.

It’s just perfect for Leah Finnegan.

Um, who, and who?

...I...was agreeing with you?

Ah yes, the “I should never have to feel uncomfortable” generation.

Came here to post this. Jezebel has shit for memory.

They were being assaulted, but hey, why let facts derail your narrative?

Are you fucking serious with this shit?

And I’m not suggesting that all muslims are radicals, or that all mosques should be closed, that’s ridiculous. However, there is disturbing polling out there, and we’ve seen what happens when you have a large disaffected population that refuses to assimilate (paris).

The context is about closing mosques in the US.

Oh, OK. How about this?