
Here’s a Hot Take. Mark Cuban can get fucked with a tire iron. Just because he’s not a Trump guy doesn’t mean he’s not another piece of shit billionaire who has no issues intimidating the press to make sure his garbage basketball teams fees aren’t hurt.

ummm... maybe don’t watch this week’s episode

Look, James Dolan doesn’t have the best people skills and probably shares a good deal of blame for escalating this situation beyond what it deserved. That being said, he’s a fucking joke of an owner, his franchise is the punchline, he’s a Trump bootlicker, and he’s even worse as a musician.

you don’t like Tom Brady

Now playing

You know who had an even better play? Julian Edelman

Can we all remember the play that left Gawker Media in the dust?


The Falcons Blew A 25 Point Lead

Alternative facts

Giri, your AO coverage during the fortnight was excellent. Thank you. And I agree with you that Federer’s backhand has never looked better, which is simply astounding.

I guess making a basket at the end of the game even when you’re leading counts as a “game wining basket”.

That was a pretty bad hold, tho

Tell your friend to read the damn article.

There’s never a bad time for this, but this is an especially great time for this.

That’s not really fair, they are assholes when they are winning too.

Bennett was the dumbass who asked if the cancer-surviving reporter had ever faced adversity. Never ask a question like that if you don’t know the answer is no. But that’s one of those social grace things that you obviously are unaware of.

This fight was barely even long enough to masturbate to. 4/10.

Soul Calibur owned.

I don’t like that.

I see what you’re doing. Trying not be be low brow. You plucky devil you.

This is a serious story, no unibrow jokes.