Hey Deadspin, you accidentally posted someone’s shitty Reddit comment as an article.
My best friend of 15 years is getting married next month. I’m the best man. His wife informed him that all members of the wedding party need to be clean shaven for the ceremony, no excuses.
They told me, as a groomsman, not to drop acid before my friend’s wedding, but fuck it, they were divorced in 18 months anyway, which I foresaw.
This is the same team that was bitching about the Patriots exploiting the rule book right??
Flat black is fine. I don’t give two shits if it is “played out”. If done well, it can look good. Done poorly, it looked like shit even when it was the “in” thing to do.
Paterno probably could have avoided the injury had he not been too busy looking the other way.
Meanwhile at one point 3 years ago the Tigers had Verlander, Porcello, AND Scherzer in the same rotation and we still couldn’t win shit.
Look at John D. Rockefeller over here bragging about his bottles.
Wine comes in a bottle?
Maverick’s just upset because they got his Goose.
Remember when conservatives did this after Barack Obama was elected in ‘08? Oh, wait, you don’t, because IT DIDN’T HAPPEN.
Good call tapping the public on this. Hopefully the thief manas up before the police and DA double strike at the end phase.
Trump won with less votes than Romney lost with in 2012. Obama had 5 million more voters in 2012 than Hillary did this year. What happened to them? Did they just decide they hated black people enough this year to not vote?
Right. There couldn’t possibly be multiple reasons people voted for Trump. Trump voters aren’t individuals, they’re all just like this KKK fellow.
By god, you’re so right, a handful of Klan members celebrating in the south totally proves 60 million people across the whole country didn’t really care about economics at all.
You’re a retard.
That was an obnoxious response Cavalish and Lady Lunch Lady gave to you — offering support is not a bad thing. Fuck that nonsense.
The best thing you can do is not alienate allies right now.