I’m real sorry the fucking CHEESECAKE isn’t healthy enough for you.
I’m real sorry the fucking CHEESECAKE isn’t healthy enough for you.
Serious question: what exactly can MLB do in its investigation, assuming there hasn’t been any actual police involvement? I’m sure they can bring Russell in and ask him about the allegations, which he will flatly deny. But I’m going to assume they can’t make Melisa come in and “testify” nor can they (or should they)…
I would have to assume the guy in the hazmat suit is spraying the walls with kerosene, because when you’ve got mold like that you just gotta BURN THE WHOLE FUCKER DOWN and start over.
This is terrible advice. Regardless of what Hemmerling for Mitchell thinks, society at large agrees that grey suits are good and proper for all forms of business. Black suits are not for the office. Period, full stop. Unless your office is a funeral home. Also, black tie means you’re wearing a tux. If you wear a black…
You’re with God, Leather.
Cool, so you’re admitting you’re a fucking idiot. Good to know.
But Dilfer is gone so everything is ok!
oh lawrdy, who is this?
More like MadDumb, amirite?
Honestly they probably started that last year. HR’s were WAY up over all of MLB last year and it’s contunuing this year it seems like.
Good riddance. I’m glad the taxpayers of Massachusetts can save some amount of money over the next few decades.
What you should actually side-eye the Oakland A’s about is how they’ve spent basically the last decade trying to get a new stadium built in several places that are not Oakland (San Jose, Fremont, etc.):
I refuse to believe a child would actually like salt & vinegar chips. I love them now but as a kid I loathed them. Kids don’t have a refined enough palate to enjoy such a flavor profile.
And the fan goes wild!
I was gonna ask what year this is from but it really doesn’t matter. It’s equally ridiculous for any year the Jets have been in existance.
Absolutely! Lets enjoy it! It was a phenominal play to be sure.
Cool, so making a 3 when the team is leading by 1 is worthy of a highlight now. Cool.
No offense, but who in the world dreams of being a catcher?
I don’t get this mentality. You yourself admit that Sheffield isn’t a HOF’er. So why should he have gotten more votes? The voting body is still full of old school morons, but it’s pretty clear that people don’t see Sheffield has having a HOF career (I agree, he was very good but not HOF worthy).
It’s Martellus, not Marcellus. But hey, don’t let a quick google search spoil a good rant.