
Last night, I saw Oculus. I thought it was a pretty decent horror movie after it picked up in the second half. The first half is a bit overly expository; it's still interesting, due to the sister's obsessive preparations, but it feels a bit perfunctory when you have the brother denying the evil-mirror movie does, in

I'm not sure how many ways there are to dissect Her (uh, figuratively speaking) but I did feel some distance between myself and the characters, where I was more analytical than invested. Considering how unlike "normal" relationships Theo and Sam were, I'm not surprised.

On Saturday, I was in another city a few hours away at my first comics convention. Not just comics, mind, but that seems to be the parlance for "comics, movies, books, and games convention" nowadays.

I've had a lot of fun with Super Mario 3D World. It's the best thing I've played on my friend's Wii U. Well, it's the only thing I've played on my friend's Wii U, but it's still fun. He also has Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze, so that's another thing we'll play eventually.

It's been years since I last saw the original trilogy, but definitely long enough that I didn't remember the additions standing out as much as they do. Han's juke against Greedo in the cantina is particularly ridiculous.

Lollipop Chainsaw? One piece of advice: start the game on normal, not hard. I don't remember the game being ball-busting on either, but until you unlock more of Juliet's combos, the higher difficulty is more tedious than anything else. You can change the difficulty between levels, so you can bump it back up if its too

I watched a Star War. By which I mean a friend of mine wants to (re)watch the original trilogy, so we watched Star Wars Episode IV. I forgot how well it stands up, and how much the special edition changes stood out, but it was a good time.

Lousy hipsters! I liked Majora's Mask because you could roll around as a Goron.

Luckily, things could only got better!

I think I had the same roadblock; Eagle Tower was similarly impossible for me. Luckily, there was a screen-changing glitch you could use to teleport to the opposite side of a room. Combine with a little effort, and hey! Dungeon's done!

"Family road trip" sums up a lot of my childhood memories of the Game Boy, and this game in particular.

Did you see the latest RoboCop? (Spoilers, if anyone cares.)

I saw Captain America: The Winter Soldier. I had a lot of fun! It didn't have the zippiness of, say, the first Iron Man, but it managed to get some interesting mileage out of Captain America and Black Widow. It also managed a decent balance between being bombastic and relevant, so, good job Marvel?

I'm glad you liked The Swapper! It was one of my favorite low-key releases from last year. The art direction was strong, and the ideas behind it too were handled fairly deftly, but with a light touch.

Total Eclipse of the Colossi

You didn't like Tetris 2 for the Game Boy? I played a lot of that one as a kid.

Ever hear of impostor syndrome? I'm not sure how widely accepted the concept is*, but it's like an inverse Dunning-Kruger effect: reasonably accomplished people that believe their success is only due to chance, or luck, or the ability to deceive people around them.

Just wait until they release the special edition of the game. It'll come with a goat statue that is also in a bikini for some reason.

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