
Wind Waker's early backlash wasn't just because it was different from Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask; there was also the infamous "Space World" demo from 2000 that colored expectations. I actually remember seeing screenshots of that in Nintendo Power, back in the day…

Also known as a torus, if you want to be a nerd about it. WHICH I DO.

Destiny, from all I've heard, sounds like a game I'd be into if I didn't already have a different multiplayer/timesink game. I certainly liked playing Halo more than I liked playing Borderlands; I'm curious how it falls between the two. If I was really curious, I could watch my friend play the game. Hell, I'll

Man, I was ready to defend Mega Man Zero all over these comments, and I loved those games in their hand-cramping glory, but I re-read the review and the criticisms weren't actually that harsh. You hear me, Anthony John Agnello?! Patience and discretion helped avert at least one Internet argument today!

He's huge. That means he has huge guts.

Intriguing; the article made it sound like a phone/tablet kind of deal, but if it's just a browser setup, that's a heckuva lot easier. Maybe I should convince the friend who owns an Xbox One to download it…

Of all the Mega Man games I've played (including 7) I don't think any can or will beat my fervor for Mega Man X. Even if it doesn't have the playfulness of the classic Mega Mans, sometimes I just want to backflip off the walls while setting a robot penguin on fire.

Fibbage sounds like one of those games that makes me want a better smartphone. See also: Spaceteam. I've actually been considering an upgrade for a while, but I just can't talk myself one way or the other.

At some point in time, I threw out all of the pogs I owned except for the solid-metal slammers, because why wouldn't I keep those? All I use them for now is paperweights, or for holding down the border for the Settlers of Catan game board.

For modern games, Bioshock Infinite actually had a two-player board game made from it. One thing that I liked about it was that you didn't control the same characters from the game; each player controls either the Founders or the Vox Populi, but Booker and Elizabeth would move around the board randomly, like a force

I think that the SNES and GBA hit the sweet spot for 2D Metroids. I played the original on the NES, which had appeal, but I remember a lot of it feeling identical to itself, probably due to hardware limitations. On the other hand, Super Metroid felt fully realized from the get-go.

If it's not to your tastes, it's not to your tastes, but one of the things I enjoyed about Fusion was that is wasn't just "another Metroid": it was something similar, but different. To compare it to one of the series' inspirations, Fusion hews closer to Alien than Aliens. I'll agree that the space station is

I was actually replaying Metroid: Fusion recently on a friend's Wii U. It's been years since I played it on the GBA, but it was really easy to get back into; partly because it's more linear than other entries, partly because it handles beautifully. Wall-jumping and shine-sparking are just satisfying.

Mountain Time zone, represent!

The series definitely has a particular taste to it; my initial interest in both 999 and VLR was the life-or-death plot at the start of things, but at some point, the frequent digressions and twists and turns start building into something off-the-wall and fascinating in spite of itself.

I don't remember thinking it was bad when I first played it (I was pretty young) but I tried again years later and couldn't muster up the enthusiasm. At least the "hacking" side-story was clever for its time; that's how I remember it, at least.

Aw, Flash games aren't that bad, 2% of the time. I remember a good one about a red-headed beat cop solving the world's most petty, yet logically consistent crimes… Like Professor Layton, but more Irish!

I assure you, I was speaking in jest.

I can think of a handful of games I've played where shame might not be the best word, but I certainly wouldn't bring them up in polite company.

What's wrong with being sexy?