
I've only seen it happen once, at the first Transformers movie. I believe my opinion is now tainted by the association.

Yeah, I've heard all the ways that the community can be toxic (and seen it a few times myself) but I'm lucky that there are a few people I know that I can play with. It's not that they never get frustrated with the game, but knowing each other seems to soften the rough edges. I also rarely venture into solo queue.

I think I had the same reaction to the hat at character creation, but I grew to love its foppishness.

I think I spent most of Dark Souls wearing one of the creepy masks that boosts stamina recovery and… the gold-hemmed robes? It's been a while, but it most definitely did not match. For Dark Souls 2, I went most of the game wearing the monocle hat. Not for fashion reasons at first, the monocle gives some kind of boost

Possibly more League of Legends. It's been two or three months since I started playing and I recently hit level 20, so I've started buying runes. I only feel competent with three or four characters as-of yet and I should definitely learn a few more, although that's limited by who's free each week.

The Gamecube may be the favorite console I've owned, and Resident Evil was one of the first horror games I ever got into. The first time I rented Resident Evil, I'm not sure I even made it to the second disk given how much it unsettled me.

I have a friend who plays World of Warcraft and offhandedly suggested I try it out. I declined, because I saw it going one of two ways.

I wanted to like Aesop's Fable, but it could never live up to the hype; the end result was too pat and cliche.

Not surprised that Minecraft was one of the highlights; most modern video games rely on detailed, but static settings, and "adapting" them like this must take a bit of squinting, especially when it switches from Pokemon to Mario to Shadow of the Colossus. When you can make the stage from scratch (and burn it down, as

Still plausible! Guile is blood type "O", meaning he can give to any other blood type so long as they have the right Rh factor. If he's O-, he's a universal donor, but if he's O+, he can only give to people with a positive Rh factor.

I recently read both volumes of the Snowpiercer comic. I haven't seen the movie, but from what I've read, the plots differ by a fair margin. The two volumes were also written by two different people years apart, which isn't surprising.

Play The Swapper! It's not too long and the conversation on the Revue Club could use another voice.

Fighting games are a genre that I sort-of have an interest in, and I follow a few people online that seem to know their stuff, but my skill is close to nil, so I rarely play them. I remember having fun a while back playing Street Fighter 4 and Divekick at lunch with a few equally unskilled coworkers, but that's the

I remember watching some people (try to) play Spaceteam once. There were… technical difficulties; mostly, phones failing to connect to each other, and apparently my phone doesn't have a recent enough version of Android to run it. Annoying, but there are worse things.

This is you?! Good work, man! Did they rope you into writing an article after reading your blog or what?

Two decades? I'd be surprised if the idea hadn't come up earlier than that. "Imagine all this crazy shit we could do" is a lot easier than "Look at all this crazy shit we actually did."

But it's only the Coens' second-darkest comedy!

Did you watch the Nintendo Direct conference? The video they showed of Reggie fighting Iwata was pretty funny. (The Robot Chicken-style skits between games were alright, too.)

I watched The Edge of Tomorrow, which I really liked. It was less serious than I expected, given the subject matter, but I think that worked to its benefit. The last "act" of the movie is a little weak compared to what leads up to it, and the ending wasn't quite as satisfying at first, but after thinking about it, I

You mean Policenauts, right? Not that Psychonauts by way of Hideo Kojima wouldn't be interesting…