The problem's not the internet, the problem is the music industry is a giant aging bastard. It needs to be revamped.
The problem's not the internet, the problem is the music industry is a giant aging bastard. It needs to be revamped.
Awesome idea. This is my new way of hanging Tshirts.
I just want to require a msg from the banner to the bannee that says what got them banned and why.
@ihityouinthenose: Same thing I thought.
@Tyrunn: I used to think that also, but! it's actually because *Linux doesn't allow any file to execute without your permission* (root UN/PW).
@Tyrunn: There are less familiar versions, but for ppl that like Windows this one works. It's like Windows+, uhh, - all the Virus/spyware/malware/etc issues.
@Tyrunn: I used to think that way, but the version of Ubuntu (desktop v10) I'm using is super easy. Basically XP.
@Angus Burger: Nope. Just using Ubuntu desktop v10. Easy as XP.
I'd want to remove it from the fake key and just add it one of my normal keys. Save space.
@Odinist: Same thing I was thinking.
@The_Hellraiser: Explorer, that's it. lol.
Congrats IE! I miss you.
Use Linux, no virus issues. Meaning you can go where ever you want.
This should be built into Gmail like it is with Outlook. But for now I'll use Boomerang.
Nothing. Digital FTW.
Lucky Baa-stards.
@Illundiel: WIN.
Human adaptation plz lol.
I think it'll probably happen sooner than that for some people.
At my old company I implemented policies on email subjects to cut down on inbox clutter. There were categories and everyone had rules/filters set up to do XYZ when msgs came in.