Same thing I was thinking. I've been working with my cat on toilet training for a long while.
Same thing I was thinking. I've been working with my cat on toilet training for a long while.
Sleeping on your left side is actually the best way to avoid acid reflux as the opening of your stomach is on your right side.
They should have it send it's GPS coods/check in to the nearest building with Facebook and Foursquare. Then send a Twitter message with something like #stolen as the tag so maybe people around the crook will look for the phone.
*Don't say doin your wife. Don't say doin your wife. Don't say doin your wife.*
I'll stick with SoundHound thank you.
That's funny because of this article. I think the court just voided her disclaimer. Maybe it would still work if they were suing someone other than the people that host their email.
Transformers...Still feel like they shouldn't use this name. Total rippoff of Pink Floyd.
Woot. []
Best thing I saw in along time was one of the emails in Assassin's Creed when the doc ask the nurse 'why do you sign your emails? It says right at the top who it's from!'. That stuck with me. I would say this makes putting your email addy in your sig is pointless, but some programs just display your name in plain text…
@Chard: I am not a vegetable: Sorry, I meant 360, didn't even consider the original lol. I probably just need to do some more tweaking.
Anyone know if one of these works with Xbox? I've heard the PS3 on Linux should work, but haven't had any luck.
Google Voice was totally missed on this.
@ManchuCandidate: Eh, how and why are 2 different things. Evolution could always be a tool used by someone/thing. There's extremists on both sides.
@Sticks Calhoun: Hippies make everyone's life harder.
TSA = Troll. They're starting a flame war lol.
It's hard to do eye catching things when the application process asks for a plain text version of your resume. At that point it seems standard is what they want, and anything else will probably get rejected anyway.
When ppl are over the line, taking up basically 2 spots, on or crowding the line I like to park close enough that they either can't get in or have to squeeze. Especially if they have a nice car because you know they're not likely to scratch their car to hit yours.
Why remove them? Part of the cool thing about FB is that it's easier to keep track of more people. They may not be close friends now, but maybe they were or will be again. Plus it opens you to more party invites and you'll have a bigger list of people to hang out with.
@Zom-B: I was more thinking of how much people are outraged that they're getting scanned. But if this is the only thing that was going to leak I wouldn't sweat it. There's a possibility for leaks everywhere even from top security places like the CIA so a breach like this doesn't shock me. Just need to seal the leak…
The last pic almost looks like she has her head turned all the way around.