The problem I had with the SSL google is there's no link for Images. Everything else is there, Video, Shopping, etc, but no Images.
The problem I had with the SSL google is there's no link for Images. Everything else is there, Video, Shopping, etc, but no Images.
A reasonable request. I'd imagine living with a Apple fanboy would be like Agnostic living with a Southern Baptist. Constantly trying to convert them.
I used to use IE on Full Screen (F11) mode with the address on auto hide. Nothing but web.
Wave would have been cool during my school days, but now I don't have many group projects. They should do 1 more push before killing it. There are lots of companies that would benefit from it.
They should offer it as a installable plugin for individual websites.
The bar near my house uses a small glass, puts Tabasco sauce in it and then covers it with plastic wrap and pokes some holes in the wrap. It seems to work pretty well.
The feature trade can be worked around. Instead of having your ICE Google Voice (GV) number ring to someone's phone that already has GV attached, forward it to their GV number. This way your ICE call would go to all the phones they have their GV set to ring.
Why would you call tech support for this? Just take more pics. Also, where are the pics?!
I want to see a version that shoows the whole farm without the cam moving.
@Lupison: That's the same thing I was thinking.
@steveyy: It's true. I was really hoping for a DBZ wallpaper for Android :)
Not great for Zombie combat.
@Brian Alexander: Only if you can solve it lol.
@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.1: Win for good reference.
@EQC: I think it's for support. If you're using a metal frame it'd fall right through.
Good reason to get a memory foam mattress. Not sure what to do about the lower box though.
@elvispt: Probably, but you could make another script that disables the caps lock script when you have *intsert game* open.
@Groucho Marxism: Ah. That makes more sense. I'm still expecting someone to "step it up" and have a "dance off" though. /sigh
MTV, is it 1995 again?
@WookieLifeDay: What is it a iPhone? jk.