
I've been considering doing something like this by adding a super unique 4th name. Something in Binary or Hex. But I haven't gone for it yet.

@FourMJR: Resident Evil hasn't been too bad even if it's not true to the storyline.

I'll bet an iPhone still won't hold a good charge even with one of these lol.

Next time shoot at it lol. I want some UFO sightings during the day with HD quality video and on a freaking tripod!

I've kind of stopped getting into new Anime. It's too confusing, crazy, too many similar series, or seems like it's for little kids.

I'm really hoping we get something cool out of this. Like Venom. Or a new amazing element with healing powers or something.

Problem being, ATM at least, it's limited to gamers and possibly readers (I think there's a book). Movies would need to be made, and they would probably not be as good as the games. So it's a catch 22.

I'm going to start dropping all the chargers and just bring USB cables. Maybe a USB hub if I run out of ports.

I totally agree about the "I owe you a beer!" reply. Plus half of the time I get those responses it's from people that I don't like interacting with let alone have a beer with. Just send my MGR an email saying I did a good job and encourage a raise and move on.

I'll have to add this to my tool stick.

I'll be dl'ing this on my Win box tonight. :D

@Crrash: What are you over 30? lol.

Another company fail. Should run Linux to help avoid these issues.

They may just like it better because it's new and more unique. And that may also be the reason that they're slower at reading on non-paper devices.

Big Clitoris should be a good thing, it should mean more possible stimulation.

I want to see some math on gas vs load vs trips to justify this. Just being "greener" isn't good enough. It needs to be more efficient in some way or we'll end up paying more for shipping and that will transfer to all goods even if they're bought in the US because they still have to ship parts and stock.

George Lucas sucks and has since 2000. Unless he can create a real version or holds a patent/copyright on the real thing he needs to let ppl create and be grateful he helped inspire the world. Think Roddenberry should sue the USA/NASA for naming it's Battleship and then shuttle Enterprise???? No, they were happy. How

More copper standards....hooray. Fiber FTW. Fiber is light, light is picture, picture is video. It's high time to abandon copper entirely. Holding onto the aging tech is one of the many reasons USA is behind the rest of the world especially when it comes to bandwidth.

Apple's always done this. Sell semi cool products made from junk that breaks easily so you have to replace/upgrade all the time. Plastic everything. They've gone away from that and gone with bad antenna's. Just go old school and put an extending antenna on the outside.