
Yahoo's still around? lol.

Now if only they could get the airlines to stop screwing us on prices.

Cool, but there's other tech that needs upgrades that they could have used this time on.

I want them to build a phone app to do pure VoIP calls. Then We can start pushing/buying data only plans.

@uRbAn:Xocolatl!: Apple-ites wouldn't dare question or sue the company even with privacy issues.

Good PR move. I'm guessing this only applies to employees that have their partners on their insurance. i.e. they're paying the tax. Otherwise I call shenanigans.

Russia still has spies? lol.

Boring. Until they need to add facial recognition so it can auto tag pics. There's a site that will do it for you, but it should be built in.

Now we just need one for non iPhones.

I hope this spreads to all banks/credit unions. It's time to faze checks out and the need to GO to a place to move money around.

This is the second time I've seen something cool on Etsy. I thought it was jewelery and hats and stuff.

Do want. I need to read the first one still.

I call shenanigans. Show up close CSI style pics and investigation otherwise it's just a branch.

Yeah...that'll make the movie more popular cover up the main character. The 70's version offered up more skin.

I wonder how often this happens? I always hate when companies pull that kind of crap. I wonder if Dell released these to show that Apple's iPhone4 isn't the first time this has happened.

As with many things related to wouldn't be a problem if she, and presumably the dad in the pic, controlled their children. I'm more worried about her parenting skills than ppl seeing the pic.

Great post. I decided a while ago that Amazon had my music/ebook business.

It's a trap!

I wonder if Apple has the patent for iSuck.