
My first thought is, how do you get it down. It's going to be a pain to do. But I do want. If I can't buy, I'll make one. Almost sounds like a Mythbusters episode.

Are these newly manufactured or leftovers? I'd be more interested in the original as a collectible.

@ostracize: Agreed. Or use OpenID or something similar so they can use gmail, facebook, etc.

I saw this on HAD a couple of days ago. I work for an NSP and have used managed power strips with modems for years. We had customers with unmanned sites, when the connection went down we'd call the number, let it ring 10 times and it would PC the router.

I just reply as normal whether it's a long response or short. My signature is the same on my phone as my desktop.

@Coyote: Well said. I agree.

Brain scans or it didn't happen. I'll have to do some research before I believe this. Sounds more like a stunt to get more readers.

Anyone know if you can make VoIP calls with GVoice on a smartphone without burning minutes? Tmo has data only plans and I want to get one.

Interesting story. As time goes on hopefully the world will smarten up and allow a group to control who reproduce, who doesn't and how many per person.

This article doesn't make me want to not use these terms. From the sounds of it the company in question was dumb and are paying the price. Don't protect dumb people/companies. If they screw up they need to be treated that way. This sounds like it's out of the "how to do dirty business 101" class. Fail article.

@Mark Butt: Wow. That's what you call a bad manager/employee. You should mention that to HR...assuming you have an HR person that isn't a dumbass.

They should add motorcycles.

Info at the touch of your finger tips, why do you think we've made so many great leaps in the last 100 years...more info more places. Imagine if we'd had the internet 2/300+ years ago, we'd be way more advanced. Maybe we'd even have those hover cars/jet packs we were promised. Thinking like this is what holds us back.

I really hope services like this take off. 1 UN/PW for the whole internets. Since that is far from happening today, I'm working on a script that I can access, select the site I want, create/update my UN/PW and log in directly from the script.

I think as more people use/are forced to use headsets the size of the phone matter less and less. You're not going to be holding this to your head so the bigger screen helps with internet surfing, etc. Just need to limit it to something that fits in the pocket and doesn't weigh 10 lbs.

Don't forget about Jessica Chobot. :D

So his product fails and he gets cred, but BSOD at an MS conf and there's laughs all around.

As long as they follow Amazon's DRM policy and not Apple's then I'm in. I want to be able to do whatever I choose to with my MP3's.

Could be that Jobs needed to be let go to mature and come back better also.