
I recently switched from drinking higher end alcohols to lower/higher alcohol content drink. i.e. Crown/Coke to Long Islands. This was a big step I went from 60+ to about 35$ tabs.

They should give you a discount is you bring your own glasses to the theater.

My first question is did MS respond to his report? If not than I back him fully. But if they did, he probably should have given them some more time to fix it.

Good luck trying to get my laptop. I'll check the damn bag before that happens.

First thought, they're suggesting dedicate a closet to the cat...who has a spare closet? Second thought, why not potty train it and save on cat litter. I'm trying to do that with my cat, but once I removed the first hole she wouldn't use it anymore. Going to try a smaller hole and go from there...[]

They should have made the screen bigger than the EVO.

How do I get into one of these studies?

Good riddance. We're at the top of the food chain, it's time we start acting like it. Kill anything that's harmful to humans.


Was there any question who the winner would be?

This is a great idea. Better than my current "hit the panic button" method I use now lol.

I know what I'm getting the wife for the anniversary :D

Do want.

I for one welcome our new Comet overlords.

Manual syncing of websites. I hope they all start playing nice with eachother. If not I may DIY some kind of front end that syncs them all. I'd like to do the same thing for passwords.

iOS? I really wish Cisco or someone had that copyrighted just to stick it to Apple.

No online form/score calc. Lots of words...only works on ppl that aren't going to get low scores.

@eliavictor: Do you have a specific example? All that I've heard is that the meds may not be as powerful, but won't be harmful. I take expired meds all the time.

On prescriptions get the larger dose, then cut the pills. According to the doc it's cheaper that way.