
I just finished reading the FAQ and..."How do I deposit checks? Take a photo of the check with your smart phone and send it to us with our app. Pretty simple, right?"...Has me sold.

I'd like to remind Google that Marc Maiffret called Windows more secure than Mac...or at least MS is more security conscience.

Good cost saving measure.

This isn't a new idea, I was taught this when I was a little kid. I'm surprised there a recent paper on it. There are so many other things researchers could spend their time on.

This works with some personal numbers too, not via maps just normal search...if it's somewhere on the web like a whitepage listing that they've crawled. I look forward to when they're all in the DB.

@moonshadowkati: They should make an illegal version. That'd be helpful :D

That guys kinda looks like Steve Carell...who I think is kinda creepy. It's an interesting approach, but how many people use a search engine or FB to look for potential employees rather than Monster or the like. This would be more of a random see the link when you're looking for something else then maybe hit it.

@Celtic1888: True, but if it's economic issues that the company is laying off for, you want to be there to try to help keep the company afloat. Taking vaca days won't prevent layoffs, but not taking them can help the company to succeed.

Anyone know which of these is phone friendly? doesn't seem to be.

@The_Hellraiser: UnHub does the custom links, and on those pages I can add Flash. So I guess that will work for me.

I wonder if they'll apply this to other types of searches like images and videos.

Hold times are nothing compared to what they used to be. I'd call Verizon and be on hold for a whole 8 hour shift about 4 years ago.

@DrScottyB: True. I was lucky. I THINK you can make groups, or lists, of FB friends and have certain updates viewable to certain people, but I'm not sure. Also with the near constant changes it may stop in the future.

I've been using my own page for years with links to linkedin/facebook/my resume/etc. I opened a page months ago and forgot about it, but after revisiting it I think it might be time to switch.

@Archie-Tekt: I've been pondering the personal/professional separation also. But mostly I'm tired of other people with my name getting more/better search results. So...I've been considering adding a unique middle name. Maybe something in binary or hex. I'll probably do one for professional and personal life.

@Meetloaf13: I approve this new verb and abbrev. :D

@autob0n: Merging would be a good idea. The thing I've always hated about Windows Mobile was that it was so different from the desktop version. They could make a better product/faster by pooling their resources into 1 project.

Bad things always happen when I go on vaca. Not so much in my new position, but I still miss things. New projects, meetings, updates, changes in general. Makes coming back a little bothersome. I always try to stay connected because of this, which takes some time away from the vaca itself.

@kcunning: I completely agree with you. My wife is horrible at keeping things. Papers especially. I've found receipts from before we met. She hates throwing things away so I have to do it when she's not there. She doesn't miss any of it because she never looks at it.

For business use, N would be best.