
@popish: Trying it seems a little weird lol.

Morbid start to the week, yes.

Another option may be to hand the project off to someone else so at least it can be continued and you may see your project completed. You may even get an opportunity to help out the new project owner. I've done this with a few things and it's worked out pretty well.

@SewerShark: lol. Sounds like Mushrooms (the non funky kind)/mold would suit your needs. Too bad there's not a mini Weeping Willow.

Cacti, or any desert plant would probably be another good choice as they don't need much water/care.

The company I worked for closed it's doors almost exactly 1 year ago. Since they owed Paychex money at the end, Paychex isn't sending out W2's. So I have to find my last check from the company, call the IRS to let them know the situation, fill out a 4852 and attach it to the 1040.

I'm considering changing cell phones/providers and one of the pros for Tmo is that they'll do a data only package. So I could use Gvoice for everything, but I need to look at their 3G coverage closer before making a decision.

@Jingu: True, but only 1 minor was hers. I was also a minor so I guess I should have pushed the issue and done more research. I might have been able to make life harder for her :D

This sounds like an awesome job. I have a gift for telling stories, and I do most of the tech/training docs at my work. I might have to enter the race.

As long as XP gets a patch before End Of Support it should be fine.

Do these laws specifically apply to the recording? I had heard that you can record all the calls you want, but just can't use them in court unless all parties knew that they were being recorded.

Since no one else has posted it...Kevin Mitnick has the most awesome card ever.

No one's really come up with a better solution and there probably won't until everyone has smartphones.

@The_Hellraiser: Forgot to add, that the solutions I mention only require one DIY project, but this article would have you add it to all your towels. More time, money and the chance of then wearing off and ending up making a huge mess in your washer or dryer.

I think a better solution would be to attach some non skid drawer liner to the handle of the oven handle. To keep them on the fridge, you could use magnets.

Two of my friends have received awesome misfires...They both decided to prank them...Both were from mom's of people with their names.

I think this is easier. Just beat it and eat it.

I think this is easier. No straining, no pulling, just beat it and eat it.

At McDonalds you can order a Big Mac with Quarter Pounder meat. This makes the Big Mac more like it used to be. I still haven't gotten them to make me a McDLT yet though.