
To be fair, it’s totally a thing bored teens would do, not just sociopaths. I knew super polite goodie goodie girls that would even make intentional messes on their table, write funny notes on their tip money or receipt, etc. Nothing as messed up as putting a tip in an upside down water cup (I think that’s pretty

What every developer is thinking when they put sexy, skimpy girls in their games: “We just wanted some hawt sl00tz.” No one is gonna judge them. Blockbuster movies are full of mostly just eye candy actors and no one really complains that most films don’t use average looking people. I think having sexy characters in

Nothing about this looked weird... Fucking hate clickbait.

I don’t remember any of these awesome parts at all. Time to bust my PS2 out.

Not trying to troll, but why do people enjoy these cons? I dont see the appeal at all. It looks like Disneyland wait times with none of the rides. What is there to do at these things besides gawk and spend too much money?

Yeah that tweet was cringe. She even looks exactly like you’d expect her to lol. Security isn’t going to stop LA from being a poophole.

No one; the world ends up a better place.

Another bad game by Yang. He sure can churn em out.

Wasn’t Earthbound expensive as hell since it included the strat guide and stickers? I had to split it for xmas with 2 brothers. It was pretty much only gifted to spoiled kids, like myself. Not shocked it sold poorly here, because most parents weren’t willing to pay. Maybe not many kids had subscriptions to EGM and

You don’t have to be close to some one to smell them. Some people have a distinct scent that can fill a room, whether perfume or natural. Besides Dr Bronners peppermint soap, and deodorant, the only thing I use is 3 drops of peppermint beard oil on my face, and it’s enough to linger and follow me around (in a good,

If I see games like this in anyones collection I automatically know they’re goobers with fragile egos and no accomplishments outside of a virtual penis-wagging trophy system. This game was made to score easy sales from people that think trophies actually mean something. They’re going to be racking up money and

You need hobbies.

Ahh I actually have no memory of my accident, about 16 hours of that day are a blank. I remember 2 minutes of the night; a cop asking if I had any one to call to pick me up, and me in the back of his car driving me home and asking me “what’s wrong with you?!”

LOL it was pretty ridiculous and pointless to use American weebs as the voice for a Japanese console.

Yeah because Tetris is TOTALLY a game we all still care about and can’t play on 20 other consoles.

Goldeneye is pretty much unplayable. Has been for a long time. Don’t fool yourselves, kiddiez.

Seriously. 3 years after Dreamcast lauched I was already burning games for it. Literally the easiest console to play pirated games. Unfortunately I already bought the only worthwhile games for it before I discovered burning haha.

FF12 is the only one I remember nothing about, other than exploring a sewer. Very forgettable game in every way. I remember I actually liked playing it, though!

Yeah, but any idea what day pre orders start?

Holy shit, I own almost all these for my SNES but I’ll pick this up because the resell value alone will be crazy; this is a perfect lineup. Only way it could get better is more games, especially RPGs.