
You must be a blast in the college cafeteria at the Magic The Gathering table.

All this not so subtle shade. Reminds me of 2003 to 2006 in my pc gaming club after school; all the hardcore Counter Strike and Battlefield nerds would go absolute ape shit when the guys on the football and basketball teams would wreck the living shit out of us. The overly nerdy kids couldn’t accept the fact that

Omg hahaha I’m cracking up so hard around my co-workers.

I can see it clearly. Looks dumb, like half the indie titles posted here. I swear their selections are so random and rarely deliver a good final game. Anything that looks different gets featured, even if it looking different means it looks terrible.

“I want to walk on-stage and I want people to be scared. I want to be that person that people fear”... Yeah, sorry dude, it’s a silly persona, not a scary one. Even a dude dressing up as Batman never looks anything other than goofy and inspires chuckles.

Ugh, so tired of having to spend $100 to $200 on non terrible headsets for each new console. I haven’t found any cheap ones that actually work on ps4 and xbox one with out some issues. The ps4 seems especially picky about which headsets work. Spent 250 on Turtle Beach for xbox 360 and regret it years later since they

Is it the same writers? Or does every French dude just suck at having normal sounding conversation? Can’t they get a focus group of teens to sit through the game and tell them what to get rid of? Every pop culture reference sounds so forced and cringe. I played the first in front of my friends and they kept laughing

Wouldn’t say they’re brave. They’re appealing to a massive part of the gaming community, so it’s definitely boosting sells. There’s a reason why this game is all over Tumblr.

Lol I was about to say this. No one reads manuals because we lack the excitement we use to have as kids. The 30 minute car ride home, reading a game manual in the backseat was the the best. I’m too good at games now so I never need to check the manual, which are so small and pointless now since they’re basically just

Uhh...Why? This is just obsessive. But I can’t talk I guess since I’ve kept all my games since SNES, and own every console except Vita and Wii U. I can fit all 500 or so games into 2 big boxes but IDK, it’s still a burden. I know once I move into a smaller place in a shittier neighborhood I’ll end up with it all

This game is only fun for a week with some buddies. Hopefully it inspires similar (better) games, though.

The problem was their agenda wasn’t subtle or interesting; it was over the top and cringe. The constant orgies where gay guys are having straight sex and straight guys are having gay sex, and everyone’s getting along and “connecting “ despite gender, sexuality, or sexual preference, just one big happy mixed sexfest...

Haha what the heck? I haven’t known a single person that gave a shit about this show. Hardly any one continued past episode 3. The show is painful to watch, it felt masturbatory as hell. I bet 2 people cancel their Netflix and immediately regret it.

Unless overly artsy slowmo scenes and vast amounts of irrelevant sex count as a story, this show told nothing in 2 seasons. Probably the most painful thing I’ve seen, and I sat through Nymphomaniac and Dogtooth.

Shocked it got a second season; probably the stupidest show I’ve seen. Tried way too hard to be diverse and make all of us seem connected. I guess they tried to portray this through 20 minutes of slowmo orgies each episode where straight people suddenly have non heterosexual sex, and gay guys suddenly like boobies.

Damn, these poor pro gamers have it rough! Competitive gaming isn’t for the faint of heart... or weak of lungs.

I don’t understand why Jason can teleport anywhere on the map, and also go into stalker mode where his spirit or whatever quickly flies through the air for a few seconds, allowing him to pop up right on top of a player and execute them. I get it, he walks slow, but surely they can introduce a different mechanic to

Lol it’s a popular title to stream and upload to YouTube, so I knew I’d be seeing countless articles on it. All these sites give it terrible reviews but theyll be pimping out the game as long as it attracts clicks. I wouldn’t be shocked if it’s popularity actually makes these reviewers suddenly pretend they enjoy the

Most the bad cops are in massive, shithole cities like L.A and NYC. The typical smaller city generally doesn’t have any problems with “bad cops”, but people take what they see via internet videos and the news wayyy too seriously and think it’s some world wide epidemic.

I was getting a vibe of the show The Leftovers, then sure enough “the Father” talks and it sounds exactly like the Father from The Leftovers... Has to be the same guy, bet they hired him!