
Lol as a gamer I’d probably use it to hardwire all my consoles. I have 7 hooked up and currently I unplug my only Ethernet and share it between consoles. Should be fun hiding all those wires..

Lol as a gamer I’d probably use it to hardwire all my consoles. I have 7 hooked up and currently I unplug my only

Lol at least their server costs will be cheap since hardly one is playing this anymore. Most bailed when the 2 new broken classes came out. We’ll come back for a week when the next 2 are released.

You missed two “Understand “ lol, its 6 total. But at the time it felt like a hellish 100.

Why’s that funny? I have multiple PAL versions I could sell. I’m sure scalpers could, too.

I didn’t see the “fan-service to make non-nerds cringe” stance.

This looks so stupid. It’s basically just a movie pandering to audiences that enjoy “Hey! I know THAT reference!” type moments.

The NES Classic wasn’t rare in my area. Target and Toys R Us had them collecting dust.

Same, dude. At work they only listen to one rock station. For 10 years I’ve heard the same 50 bands play. I don’t understand why people obsess over classic bands when there’s great artists popping up daily.

According to Amazon, I preordered this game January 25 2015 for $41 fkr XboxOne... Good lord, I was a child when I played part 2. Haven’t bothered with anything other than 1 or 2 because the names are stupid and confusing as hell. I’m actually still excited for this, more so now!

There’s no point in communicating or trying to strategize in a public chat with random people. 95% of the people want to lone wolf and do their own thing. No one likes a leader or authority figure, no matter how good their plan is. I’ve been gaming with the same 10 people consistently since 2003, and even they rarely

It’s also in the movie Tin Cup, which is around the time most people on the West coast started to use the term. That movie was played weekly for years on all the basic cable channels.

The fact you listed the movie “21" instead of TIN CUP means you clearly tried to Google the answer yourself. Tin Cup isn’t some obscure movie like 21, and it’s older. I’m 30 years old and I had to hear that dumb quote hundreds of time in school. Most were quoting Tin Cup, which the writers picked up from somewhere

Agreed, man. It’s utter shit if we’re going for honesty here. Should be replaced with TimeCrimes.

Great list. Besides Primer. That movie is God awful and so is anyone that pretends they liked it.

Why are insults involving race or culture automatically “racist“? Racism is hating a race simply for being a different race. Insults are PERSONAL attacks on someones whole-being. The more detailed and personal the better. Someone could call me fat and I could say it’s a racist attack on me being a white American.

“it cited over 182 incidents of racist verbal abuse, violence, discrimination and other attacks toward Africans living in the country” Ohhh the humanity! I cited that much WEEKLY in my American school. Let’s not try to blow Ireland’s racism out of proportion.

I’ve only seen the term CIS used ironically by trolls, or as an insult by women. I honestly see no reason to ever use it; it feels like it’s strictly a joke term, or one to annoy the living shit out of people.

Haven’t played Counter-Strike since the early 2000s. The cheating back then was pretty crazy, even I was using stuff to see through walls etc. Wonder what the community is like now.

Just because some one made it doesn’t mean it’s possible to beat. That’s why *real* games aren’t easy to make; you have to put careful thought into level design. I dunno, this looks like a waste of time. You could get a massive education in 1500 hours! Could’ve learned a few languages. I have never and will never be

I’m gonna get so much shit for my opinion, but oh well. I never understood why people working retail or food joints seem to absolutely hate doing anything that involves slightly more effort than what they’re typically use to doing(which is already work that is at the bottom of the skill ladder). They act like their