
Interesting? Not really, anymore. I think I am done with this show. It sucks. I used to rave about it. It doesn't seem like it knows what it is nor does it feel like it's going anywhere. And some stuff doesn't make any sense whatsoever. For those of you who are enjoying the show, best of luck.

Everybody's talking at me
I don't hear a word they're saying
Only the echoes of my mind

Sorry, I forget sometimes that 99% of people can decipher sarcasm on the internet.

What's missing is that when Lost was running, the network understood that many people wouldn't understand wtf was going on unless they turned it into pop-up videos. Those were sad days for TV.

Alex has talked about the WCW connection a few times over the course of the season. Sorry about the snark. It's a flaw. I'm sure there's more where that came from.

Favorite line: "Hey, stupid!" lmfao

Actually, all the characters are Elliot.

I'm waiting for Francis Underwood to show up to make Elliot a PB&J.

My problem is that the story I have in my head is better than the one Esmail is telling. He should have called me. This show would be so much better.


That review is a work of art itself. It's interesting to read it again 30 years later. That review says a lot about the director of this show.

Welcome to the show. Are you caught up with the rest of us now?

< stands up, applauds >

I think Alex is going a fantastic job analyzing but I would like to see a bit more meat on his criticisms.

This episode gave me the same feeling that Lynch's Blue Velvet did when I first saw it. I didn't know if I liked it or not. I could appreciate the artistry in it, but as a movie I couldn't decide if it was entertaining or a "good movie". I really want to be on board with what is going on in this show, but it is losing

This isn't like a lot of other shows. Most things you see in the frame are the way they are for a reason. Now, it's easy to get carried away and assume this or that, but I would say the costumes in this show are saying more than they are not.

Well, don't blame me. Blame the director.

They're not the best. But garbage? What would you recommend?

Why don't they ever wait for backup?

Not sure how that could be, especially after this episode.