And it's already gone. Damn, been waiting for a deal on that one.
And it's already gone. Damn, been waiting for a deal on that one.
And it's already gone. Damn, been waiting for a deal on that one.
And it's already gone. Damn, been waiting for a deal on that one.
It might perhaps be a little easy for some readers to overlook the seriousness of this threat in a few ways. While it’s my personal belief that somewhere between about 1/10-1/20 of the people making threat/jokes online will actually go through with some harmful action, I’m glad that police are starting to learn to…
A lot of this comes down to using good sense... Which is unfortunately uncommon these days. People see a good deal, see that there’s something potentially fishy about it, but decide that it’s “close enough” to being safe and they risk it.
I have, no shit, been accused of cheating on “Tetris Worlds” back when Xbox Live was still in it’s infancy. And the player reporting it was completely serious, they got so annoying over the voice chat that I turned it off, and after they quit the round I was reported.
Wow. Just wow.
I don’t “get” the animosity toward this post. It seems like a lot of people either read into things far too much, from an almost paranoid perspective, or that they’re literally criticizing a news outlet... For being a news outlet?
PythonHugs doesn’t need to try harder -you’ve unraveled your own argument for him.
This article is amateur and fake.