The Guilty Party

Did you know it's possible to write books that don't pander to anything?

I'm an onion!

Nerds like shrieking moms?

The one at 67% reads like a 5th grader's essay on what they did this summer.

Poor Paul Simon :(

It's basically a reboot of TSW with slightly more action based combat and a simpler skill system, because the original apparently was a bit too complex for a lot of people. Same game, same story, still an MMO but they're now billing it as a Shared-World RPG, because they've lowered the limit of max players in a zone

Matt Johnson is apparently one of those men whom baldness works a lot better on.

Someone around here must have the Altruistic Pervert disqus screen name, right?

Secret World Legends. It's basically The Secret World all over again, but … I kinda loved The Secret World so getting a fresh playthrough that's gotten a quick polish is alright by me.

Lots of people are just doing their maze tattoos a little bit at a time.

She was, but then at the end her blindfold falls off and breaks.

Was it a nice hammer?

But then it's just 'Oh See'. I'm not blaming you here, I just am having trouble grappling with the pointlessness of this abbreviation.

Silly, of course there's a Silicon Heaven. Otherwise where would all the hairdryers go?

Wait, is that sarcasm? If not, how is that an affirmative/acknowledgement?

Eh, I don't know what you wrote, but we probably deserved it.

Plus who can just stand there for 4 hours straight. My hips!

… what does OC mean?

Pfft. Let's add more, get some G H J arpeggios going there.

Modern Art gets knocked over
Modern Art likes to whine
Modern Art never starts the show on time