
That’s just a slippery slope argument.



We are SO deep in the succession war arc, it’d take most of the four chapters just to wrap that up. No way it could be a satisfying conclusion to the entire series in just four chapters.  I really don’t know why Jump continues to push him to stay on a weekly schedule when he’s well enough to work.  Just shift the

If he desired to conclude it, he really screwed up introducing the Dark Continent stuff. That can of worms is enough to write an entire other manga about. Unless it ends with them setting off on another expedition and just leaves the door open for someone in the future to write it. I don’t know how satisfying that

It’s beginning to sound a little like they designed this specifically for me. I mean, there’s other me’s out there, clearly, or they wouldn’t make these decisions, but me though.

by quantifying diversity like this, you actually erase a ton of diversity by collapsing the lived experiences of any given group into a handful of data points. 

applying numbers/values to things that cannot have numbers/values applied to”

I agree with you. A little perplexed that people are in arms about this. And I’m a black man who has seen many micro transgressions

How is quantification dehumanizing. You seem to have a bizarrely irrational fear of math and science.

Ah, yeah I hear you.

What you have to understand is Kotaku’s user base is dominated by a special brand of anti-intellectual that thinks devaluing math and hard science in favor of pedastalizing liberal arts and soft science is cool.

They claim that this tool will let them avoid tokenism, but does it? It actually appears that it could do the opposite. Creating characters purely to make the lines balance out nice and pretty, rather than putting in the effort to make genuinely representative characters that engage with the backgrounds they are meant

I guess I’m missing what’s so egregious here. It’s a tool that visualizes their characters’ features.

Knitting... menacingly!

This is a reach, that’s a perfectly OK build. It is actually very cool and fun to run an int/dex build where you adjust towards mageiness or slashiness as necessary.

The plastic on that first design looks like skin being stretched over the shoe. Yuck.

I’m wondering what the overlap is between “no pause in my game!” and “I don’t have student loan debt, so suck it up and pay yours off!”
What is it with people and the constant “I don’t need it so you can’t have it” attitude? You’d think if anything they’d be bragging about never using the pause feature or uploading No

Pushback against military using Twitch for recruitment: Morally Good. Praxis. Necessary.