
HE’S FINE! Just wait till April to see the whole movie to pass judgement.

Helena Taylor knee-jerk reacted by posting immediately, attempted to sabotage the game’s release and provided absolutely no proof to her claims.

New weapons in God of War are always part of the fun and surprises in the game/story. Thanks for spoiling a spear is one of those new weapons we’ll get this time around, and that it’s obtained late in the game -_-

I did that and all that happened is I summoned Satan and that dude also can’t figure out the answer to the riddle. If you have any ideas give us a call because we’re both pretty stumped over here.

It’s the cost of having something people want and having a good price, sadly it opens you up to thieves and people who would take advantage.”

NVIDIA announces two 4080's including a low priced one.
Gamers: Whaaa! There are two 4080's! We are confused! Why isn’t it a 4070?
NVIDIA announces that they will rebrand the low end model.
Gamers: Whaaa! They removed the affordable 4080!
I want to feel sorry for NVIDIA but gamers are their customers. The company knows

This sucks because as big a fan I am of getting paid for your fucking work, I am an even bigger fan of bodily autonomy and independence. If the ink is inside me, it’s mine. I won’t recreate the design for profit, but I don’t owe you a license fee if I license my image. That’s a bridge too far, for me. At the VERY

Everybody is down here dissing on Dunkey, but for my money, if there’s a YouTuber out there who can pull this off, it’s him. I see criticism regarding how this announcement comes off as self-important or conceited, but that’s just a part of his schtick. In reality he’s quite level headed and obviously cares very much

We all know what this means...

Knack 3 Baby!

No. Just, no with Lawnmower Man. The short story is about a satyr who make sacrifices to Pan. The movie shares the title. Nothing more.

“When the affair began, she said, “I was young, I was naive. And I mean, quite frankly, I feel exploited. I wasn’t in the scene like I am now. So I was definitely very easily manipulated.”

A much more representatively crisp moment from the game, but so dark it’s hard to make much out.

Yes, that is exactly the extra bullshit that I’m trying to rid myself of! Good job on that example!

I disagree that the future of Halo is bright. This game is a debacle and none of the 343 games has been well received. MS would have been better served letting Bungie make Destiny than the divorce and loss of talent.

“I don’t like games having difficulty options” are saying they don’t want the choice to be there. The choice being there does NOTHING if they chose not to engage it. The choice NOT being there affects everyone else who would have engaged with said options... so its gatekeeping. Who the hell are YOU to dictate whether

Having an option does not make a game worse.  That’s gatekeeping.  You’re saying that if someone can’t keep up with the difficulty YOU are comfortable with, they shouldn’t be allowed to play the game.  Other people having the choice to lower or raise difficulty has no effect what so ever on the difficulty you play on.

A time traveler stumbles into the world, disoriented. Wild eyed, he scrambles to find something, anything to tell him when he is now. So many attempts, so many failures.

I’ll start this by saying that anyone is free to feel insulted by whatever they feel insulted by. But I - an Asian-American living in a third world country - really think this criticism is stretching a bit.

With every comment you leave you’re making excuses and moving the goalpost to desperately dismiss any criticism of it...It’s pathetic.”

After unfortunately reading this thread, it’s abundantly clear you managed to describe yourself.

The Chris Pratt jokes are kind of lame. You guys should really get over yourselves.