The Groke

Another word: conditional love and approval. Worst when you have their unconditional dedication. There’s always a crinkle to iron out and a flaw to improve upon.

My dad, no entire family are stoics for “negative” emotions. They have incorporated the idea that it’s “feeling sorry for yourself” and it makes you fail. If you must, then it’s “silent tears” for a second and then buck up. Doesn’t work for anybody.

I think Worthen might be deploying a false dichotomy of feelings and reason. There isn’t anything necessarily invalid or irrelevant or inapplicable about feelings. It shows awareness to the subjectiveness of interpretation, is a qualifier for the more abstract and for expressions of less authority. In the classes I’ve

Well, they’re still disappearing people and detaining “dissidents” , increasingly so now under President Xi Jinping..

I think tabloids only have two narratives for women in the absence of scandal: relationship status and weight status which they also are best identified by. Like Charlize Theron was, in the tabloids at my doctor’s office, identified thusly: “flouted convention in a red dress. The single mother looked fab on the red

My problem is that Dorne wasn’t adapted as equal to the rest of Westeros. At least in my mind. D$D just incorporated the exotic esthetic and then interpreted it in the worst ways. Arianne is Martin’s protagonist, but it was definitively Jaime’s dudebro trip D$D was telling. The Dornish are othered and exoticized with

I felt the rivalry between Arianne and Quentyn exposed cultural tensions in in Dorne, particularly between Dorne’s Rhoynish and Andal cultures/customs. Certain Rhoynish customs seem to be dominating in Dorne like equal primogeniture. Arianne is “heir apparent”, but circumustance make her birthright seem vulnerable.

I’m only mad if she is laying down her life to resurrect Jon Snow there. She looked good (i wish i’d perky nipples like that, especially now but at 90 too), but it had be uncool if they did that only for unneccessary shock factor.

I felt that they, in the books, were not so much bound by patriarchy as by the fact that at that moment intime the ruling authority resided with a man (Doran). Doran’s claim to Dorne is matrilineal. If grandma Martell was still around we would have a Princess Dorne instead of a Dowager Princess of Dorne.

D$D have made them villainous, sassy and hypersexualized stereotypes about woc with an emotional/personality range of perpetually pissed off to raging sociopaths. And I sassy as in only if you find quips like “whore” and “greedy bitch” to be approrpiately funny for sisters to call one another. They’re irrational,