Don S.

Who thought those arms where a good idea???

Not a fan of those tiny arms and crazy huge tail

And now Japan has put the Derp in Derpzilla.

Also, after the first half of the video, I was convinced this is just going to be a movie about standing around in groups, sometimes talking and sometimes not talking

That... Kinda looks terrible. I’m jaded by exposure to so many bad Japanese “big” budget sci fi films for sure, but I hope this kaiju movie has a bit more than Godzilla standing around looking sickly.

Luckily she is White. If she was any non-White hue, at minimum she would have been tased and beaten to a pulp; but, more likely would have been riddled with 5.56 and 9mm hollow-point.

Fascinated that Gawker found the Ghostbusters trailer to be amazing, while are indifferent to this one. This looks fantastic and I’m honestly more excited for this than I was for The Force Awakens.

Great movie. Good thing the internet hate train will not be hurting ticket sales by this point.

Its better than the general parade of morons who trash something because its hip and cool to do on the internet, like the large portion of people who didn’t see BvS.....But then again I’d bet money these are the same people who believe everything they read on the internet, and take rumors as facts.

Congrats. I'll see it. This article is so polarizing that it makes me curious enough to see the film. I hope with the context of this article I enjoy this film more.

Don’t blame the movie because you couldn’t understand it.

As someone who liked MoS (sue me), the first half of this movie is really, really boring. I don’t get why any of it happens, at all. Literally none of it really makes sense or matters, at all.


On the Gawker sites, anything DC is inherently bad unless it’s a TV show. But those TV shows are nothing compared to Marvel shows, which have nothing on Dr Who. Dr Who is the default standard of greatness in TV. The MCU is the default standard of greatness in movies and will never be held to any sort of standard like

I do wonder if this review is more just a reflection of the binary society we’ve grown into. Things are either OMG THE BEST EVER or Complete and total dumpster fire. There is rarely in between. I wasn’t going into this expecting the greatest cinematic experience of mine or anybody else’s life. Is it enjoyable? Can I

yeah we get it, they’ve shit on your childhood, feminazis...blah blah blah

Yes. It’s a strip about video game/nerd humor, and that’s why I read it. I don’t go to Olive Garden for chimichangas, and I don't read PA for magical fairy guardian teddy bear nonsense.

I’m confused, first it’s “Don’t pre-order games”, now it’s “Don’t buy games at launch”. Which one am I not meant to be doing again?

No, I think it’s safe to say that’s just objectively bad art.