
You know what? I’m perfectly fine with the fact that people who have been convicted of neglect can’t get jobs caring for children and the elderly.

This is all kinds of dumb.

English isn’t another language for him. He uses it quite frequently.

Why would his age have anything to do with it? He is a white male, who have been gaming all his life. Who have stayed mostly indoors and worked for his own company, making videos. It is highly possible that the only interaction with racism he has encountered is from movies/tv-shows. He knows that shouting the N word

He’s been paid gobs of money to sit inside and play video games a lot.

I mean, sure, not all of us devolve into that, but plenty do.

Hence the whole, “no self control” part. He spends his days around people hurling these slurs, engaging in an activity that brings out the pettiest, most tribalistic parts of the human id, and he’s got no self control (probably in no small part because of the volume of time he’s spent doing all that).

That’s not really how this works. What surfaces when frustrated is “bad words”, and ethnic slurs and sexuality-related things are a part of that particular brand of cursing. He uses plenty of other swearing as well, so this is hardly even the first thing he thinks of either. It’s just a part of a whole, where some

His head is messed up if at the slightest sign of frustration what surfaces in his mind is racism, you need go get your shit checked out.

Sensitivity training?
(insert Seinfeld throwing up hands and walking away.)

Diversity for the sake of diversity is not. Two women were asked, they declined. You shouldn’t get a positions because of your genitalia, you should get it because you have the proper qualifications.

She really just straight out said “Use him!”

DeVos is a clown and a moron, but the ways schools handle sexual harassment and rape claims is not Due Process and it is not fair or reasonable to anyone involved. As long as Rape and Harassment are crimes, they should be treated like crimes and anyone accused should have the same protections as anyone else accused of

what the f kind of advice did you give to question 1

It’s a brand name that references a thing, just like every brand name. How do you think these names are created? Throwing darts at a dictionary? Why else do you think it’s called “6-flags”, and not “9-flags”?

To be fair, playing devil’s advocate, there *is* an analogy to be made there.

Also why did the answer to that one boil down to “start dating someone (anyone)”?

Dear Jane: Terrible Advice for Terrible People

Thank you. This is offensively counter-productive and insulting “advice.”

Last off, his wife probably told him to stop hanging out with you, duh.