
Says the man who claims it doesn’t count as censorship because nothing was prohibited, than claims that the removal doesn’t count as a prohibition because... you don’t want it to, I guess? Any other words you’d like to redefine today?

You have no grand right to sell whatever you want on whatever platform you wish.

Steam isn’t “Suppressing or prohibiting” anything, they are just declining to distribute via their platform.

And shooting someone in an FPS might be seen as murder! *gasp*

Well, not trying to speak for all other “People like” me, I live in a largely poor, rural community where white and Asian women do sometimes lose custody of children. Isn’t generalizing, by saying “Country worked” or People like you,” stereotyping. I mean, many of the social workers taking children from black mothers

It seems more a matter of better outcomes for those who can afford an attorney from the very beginning, rather than about race. Lot’s of white people have children taken by CPS. I don’t think there is the slightest hesitation on the part of CPS regardless of race, to take a child. What makes a difference is if you can

Nah, they, like many people who immigrated to (or their ancestors immigrated to) the US aren’t and shouldn’t feel beholden to the people of a country that isn’t theirs.

He not only paid $41k in cosmetic surgery that will ultimately fall apart as he ages, he also has to put a few pounds of makeup, contact lenses and a metric ton of hair spray everyday.

Wonder if he had to change his armor set to use the bowgun. Usually bladed and ranged weapons have to have their own set. Kind of a bummer if they cut down to one armor type.

I’ll have to look into this when I get home... I really would LOVE to do something like this. Wow, this article about a iffy-dude has really got me excited 😁 Haha

You’re saying that’s my fault? I “didn’t do enough”? The burden is on me to fix them?

Are we outraged about the asianwashing yet?

Not really. Many movements are the loud few who claim to speak for the many (BLM (in particular the “UK” branch), NUS, BlueLivesMatter, Momentum, MAGA Fans) which is why they get undue prominence when the reality is the vast majority of people have never interacted with any of these groups and their actions actively

Yes because in the world today the real enemy is a guy who made a completely harmless (if stupid) joke.

wow people get butthurt so easy,fucking relax world.

Anime is an art form and as such the creators should be allowed to freely express themselves.

How did it fall flat when you could hear everyone laughing?