
I mostly chalk that up to the fact that I’m in end game equipment fighting a high rank monster (haven’t gotten a tempered one yet). Also the fact that they removed the death laser.

EVERYTHING is easier in World I think, but I’m fine with that.

MHW Deviljho seems easier than his previous versions. Watching him run around and destroy hunters in Tri still has a special place in my heart.

though the robo-pooch was missing the door-opening arm that we saw back in February.

1. Using a reusable is just as easy, it’s all a matter of remembering to pack a bag. If you can remember to grab your keys, you can remember to stick a fold-up reusable in your bag or in your pocket.

“Who the hell wants to have to drag around their own bag just to buy fucking groceries?”

“Do I have to bring my own plate and cup to the restaurant?”

Exactly. The idea that plastic bag bans somehow disproportionately trouble low-income people is absurd. The people they trouble are oblivious middle-class idiots who care about nothing more than having their shopping experiences be as “frictionless” as possible. You just show up with a wallet and everything else is

The idea of calling reusable bags “bougie” shows just how out of touch the US is. Most immigrants I know, POC or not, are used to shopping with their own shopping bags. My own Nana didn’t drive and shopped w/ thin woven bags we got at the swapmeet decades ago. Every poor person I know has totes they could use for

Yes. How this interacts with me personally is something that many modern “critics” do that past knew to avoid. They liked movies, and not specific genres so they could speak to how a movie was.

Here’s a thought: maybe wait until your broken game is no longer broken until you make it into an esport.

Losing 80% of my matches sucks, despite my best efforts at carrying.

If it’s actually true, the kid is still a human being being bullied and is worthy of empathy. And sure, it won’t stop him from getting those things as an adult, but that doesn’t mean that the kid isn’t going through some shit.

It’s because it’s propaganda first, and a game/art second.

When I was in college, the people with the longest, in depth “artist statements” usually had the worst projects because they were lazy or didn’t have the skill to back up their grand speeches. I get this feeling here.

“Stealing what you’re owed and destroying everything else”

I didn’t see anyone telling them to stop making games. But if you’re making a game as a type of social commentary then it’s fair to be able to comment on the validity of the claims the game makes.

Gender pay gap has been 100% debunked. People just need to read a little to understand it.

oh, so It’s a fantasy game about imaginary world where gender pay gap myth is a reality.

The purpose of the class is to explore the effects of the word (and other words). Exploring the effects of the word involves using the word - dancing around it by saying ‘N-Word’ or anything like that entirely defeats the purpose of the class. Do you really not understand that?