
If you mean the camera controls on the handheld versions (pre 3ds nub/circle pad pro) those are no longer an issue. If you mean the character movement that is just the mechanics monster hunter has always been built around. Learning the timing and combos has always been a vital part of mastering the game.

I hope you use the paintball....

Dual blades/hammer/katana here. Mostly dual blades though. It definitely makes the game multitudes better when you find your weapon types that work for you. When I first got into monster hunter back on the psp (don’t remember which game but I think the first one to release on psp) I only used the greatsword. I

As already stated, typically the way to get the highest chance for the rare drops is to capture the monster alive in a trap. But as far as “cutting off” or breaking parts to loot them is concerned it most definitely makes sense. You want a sword made of that dragons tooth? You’re going to have to break that thing

I’ve played and owned a pokemon game from every generation the series has had since red and blue. I have never felt a relation to any of the pokemon. I found some to be more cool or appealing to use then others but nothing more then that. I think you’re projecting here to validate your own experiences.

You know I find it hilarious that when the topic of the general unacceptance of furries is brought up the number one cited reason why is the animal sexualization/porn, but then you get a flood of people claiming that to be a minority of the fandom. Then comes along the person is obviously the most involved in that

Who said there is no specific deadline to be met? You don’t think the journalists on websites like this have a quota to get an article published every so often? They don’t get paid to sit around because they couldn’t find something to pubish that day. They have to come up with the topic ahead of time, get it approved,

Great lighting and photoshop! Now if only there was a single genuine shot of the costume so we can actually see what the whole thing looks like....

Actually, functionally they are not the same machine. The Juicero is completely pointless. The joke there is that it is a whole machine just to perform the task of squeezing juice out of a bag of juice. Its not necessary at all. You can pour the juice yourself at that point. The Keurig is just a lazy coffee machine,

Damn, that’s actually a very good point. This app is a very appealing tool for racists to use to purposely avoid the stores listed so as to not support black businesses.

No. Now hear this: what if the characters in the game all represent anthropomorphic objects and animals? Why do they need to focus AT ALL on depicting human races on these characters? They dont. So don’t get bent put of shape when you can’t find a talking sofa chair that you can characterize as “black”. That’s just

Isn’t all the dlc for battlefront 2 going to be free? Maps and whatnot? So this must be how they plan to keep making money off the game after initial sales. Personally I feel if the trade off of free dlc (maps, weapons, characters and all that) is that they implement an optional microtransaction system, that you can

Unless the relationship itself has some significance to the plot of the movie, I don’t see why we need every character’s sexual orientation shoved down our throats. I’m all for there being lgbtq characters in movies and whatnot, but unless it serves a purpose I don’t see why we need the movie to force feed us that

Nope. Fuck these two people. Sorry not sorry. I am one of those people who grew up with parents who didn’t deserve to keep their kids and should’ve had them taken away a long time ago. I sympathize with the thought that it must be a truly terrible feeling to have the children you bred and “raised” taken from you, but

So now there’s something wrong with saying “sorry if I offended you”? Apologizing itself is a problem now? I feel even the term “snowflake” fails to properly portray the frailty of some people these days.

Not real sure how the two are comparable. Trump was bragging about sexual assault and Felix poked fun at Hitler and nazis. The “death to jews” thing was him thinking of the most outrageous thing he could ask those guys to say (he even stated he didn’t expect them to do it and apologized profusely in the same video it

The nazi stuff he’s said has all been purely jokes. Obvious jokes at that. You don’t have to find the humor in his jokes but the truth that there was no malicious intent behind them is obvious. Not everyone has the tolerance or stomach to feel comfortable with “dark” humor and that is okay. There is a difference

At this point I am tempted to believe the scalpers secretly work for Nintendo and they do this on purpose.

“For a guy who’s not familiar with racism he sure seemed to know what Nazis and the n-word are.”

I love gundam, but this scooter looks so bad lol. It reminds me of one of those quarter machines kids ride on.