
Why do “clowns” still exist in modern society? I’m not afraid of clowns but I have never thought they were even remotely funny or entertaining. I have also never known anyone who thought they were. I mean clowns/jesters made sense centuries ago when their clothes/looks were a parody of the modern culture at the time,

Unfortunately that was not the advice given by the author of this article though. The advice given was essentially to lie to him through a false sense of hope for things to work out between them while leeching off of his resources with the hidden intention of ditching him 6 months later. This is dishonest and

I feel like the movie went completely over the head of the author of this review. Many of these points are wrong or easily understood through the context the movie gives alone. I have not seen the original “It” movie (I know right? Idk how I managed not to after all these years) nor read the book but I had no problem

Nope. Happily married, been together 10 years, and never cheated on anyone. Nice assumptions there bud.

And what a fucked up person you are. Congrats! It takes some seriously twisted wiring to come to those conclusions.

Seriously. What the hell kind of underhanded advice is that? If you want to break up with him for flirting with this other woman, fine that is understandable (though equating it to full blown cheating is a bit much imo), but if you plan to break up with him over it then break up with him. Do not string him along in a

You do realise that this marketing team your speaking of is composed of actual living people right? People that need to be paid a wage so they will even consider working with whatever budget has been given to them. This wage isn’t the same as you might make flipping burgers at McDonalds, it’s a career level position

Six Flags is already the franchise name, I seriously doubt they will spend the time and effort needed to rebrand everything with another name after this. They just simply replaced the flags they had placed up at the park. The name is going to stay the same as far as they’ve stated. They can’t just pretend they never

I’m sorry but I feel like I just have to say something here.

“deciding to not distribute an item for sale does not in fact constitute censorship.”

Unlimited power? Aren’t you exaggerating just a little bit there

Nice tangent you went off on there. There is nothing being done here that is a punishable offense the cops could arrest someone over. Their hands are tied. They aren’t some magical hero force that can just arrest people for “being bad” like a parent putting their unruly child in time-out. They have to follow the book The idiots doing this aren’t “serving food.” I get the dishonest way you are trying to twist it to make something like that applicable to this but it’s just incorrect no matter how you look at it. Those accusations could fly if it was a food establishment or company that regularly serves/sells food products

Wait...why is there friendly fire in the first place if the result of it gets you banned? That’s kind of really stupid. Don’t have friendly fire if you are going to ban people for it.

Yes but people only want to talk about that when it’s white people replacing other ethnicities.

While I commend you and your friend’s effort in saving enough money to buy the houses you’ve managed to nab, I don’t agree with your opinion about these two. They have absolutely every right to those properties they’ve purchased.

Holy shit this is messed up. First off, your money is your money. No one has a right to cut off the money you earn from actual employment from you. They could say you need to pay them a certain amount every month sure, but they can’t force your checks to be deposited into a bank account you don’t have access to. Go to

While I don’t see this ever being a thing I will say this: Chinese is only the most spoken language based on pure number of people, and that is almost entirely just because China has such an immense population to begin with. Otherwise it’s mostly business execs who learn it because they are doing business with China.

Totally agree. First of all I don’t think it’s necessary for games to make sexuality a point of discussion. If it has to be included to explain reasoning or motivation behind a certain mission/quest/plot element then sure, do it. But if it isn’t needed to explain what’s happening, I don’t see why it should be

I HATE that this is 100% on point. This has been their strategy since 4 and it pisses me off. I mean the games before 4 had random offshoots and iterations but straight up rereleasing the exact same game with some additional characters/dlc content added is just aggrivating. Its a slap in the face to the people who