
Definitely something I’m interested in finding out about. It’s a very interesting addition being able to switch weapons mid mission. It would make sense with a mechanic like that being thrown in that having to swap a whole armor set as well would be a bit much. I’m actually in support of dropping down to one armor

What angsty edgy 14 year old posted this? Terrible. Grow up children, these are video games.

My HOLY SHIT moment was Monster Hunter World! Fans have been wanting a current gen graphics rehaul of MH since the ps3 released. This is the monster hunter we’ve been waiting over a decade for and I’m super hyped! Love the 3ds releases but this is on a whole new level.

Go for it! I’m sure there is a lot of interesting and cool things you could share about South Africa.

More then likely he’s just using his phone. Though I haven’t watched any of his videos so I can’t say for sure, it’s just a common practice for this. Use a modern smartphone and get an unlimited data plan. Then it just depends on your reception. There is also the option of getting a mobile hotspot.

So everyone has already pointed out how the editing is terrible and fake looking. But I have beef with it for other reasons as well. For one thing why does Wakanda’s architecture look like asgard’s? That doesn’t make any sense for a lot of reasons. I wonder if they are just using the same artist who did Thor’s sorry. Chimps are not persons or people. They are still animals. I agree with the idea that being human is a requirement to be considered a person (at least until intelligent alien life falls into our laps). HOWEVER, I am totally in favor of giving more protections to animals and especially intelligent

But it’s his only mechanic. Literally the only reason to pick him at all in any match is to utilize the hook. The range isn’t really that far and considering it’s a one-two punch type of “one-shot” it’s really not OP when you have characters like Widowmaker and Hanzo who can literally one-shot people from across the

They didn’t use “virtually all” of his video. They never insert the entire video from anything they comment on. That practice has been shamed by just about every large youtuber out there, including h3h3. No one supports it. What they usually do is use 1-2 minutes of a 8-20 minute video to illustrate their points

I’m sorry but to make the arguement that an Asian child can’t find anyone to identify with in media is ridiculous. What about the thousands of Japanese manga that from what Ive seen over 99.99% star Japanese characters? There are also Chinese and Korean alternatives to manga. Saying there is a problem with American

More like you don’t have a valid point to argue against what I said. The context matters and this arguement matters because the discussion that is being thrown around everywhere is “is PewDiePie a racist bigot because of his racist joke” and the problem with that arguement is that his joke had no racist intentions to

That’s not even the correct quote lol prime example of someone just spewing their uninformed opinion over this when they didn’t even watch the video the controversy came from. The “context” people are crying over this isn’t so much context for a joke about jews, but context for the joke of the Indian guys actually

I have never been a PewDiePie fan but recently I started skimming his videos to give him a chance. His content has gotten a lot better then I remember it being back when he started (and when I originally decided I didn’t care for him). His comedic timing is a lot better and he gives off the vibe of one of those MTV

Anime is both a product for our consumption and an art form. As a product it has a certain responsibility to be ethically acceptable and non damaging to society, but as an art form it has every right to be whatever the artists and creators wanted for it. There is also the issue that as a foreign product it’s personal

Anime, manga, books, comic books, and video games are all forms of art. I believe all the creative people who put together these works of art deserve the right to present them however they see fit. It is their creation so it should be their choice what they include in it/how it is presented. If they want tons of