
Hans Zimmer is "influenced" (read: rips off) a lot of other composers' work. Check out the comparisons between Holst's Mars and Zimmer's Gladiator Waltz:

Agreed! And you're absolutely right, comparing the Nexus line is the only way to really compare Android to iPhone.

Your companion's effectiveness at crafting and combat are influenced by their affection toward you.

You're using a fairly small sample of what the game is to make a judgment here. Without actually engrossing yourself in the experience, you can't make an educated call on how the game actually plays. Yes, aesthetics are important as are the acting and decisions presented in the video above, but there's so much more

On the other hand, there's gear that's specific to dark or light side. So if you're doing it to gain dark side points, then there is a benefit there in terms of gear.

MMOs are really great when you have friends that play. Either those are real life friends who are playing or friends you've made in game.

The person you have "relations" with asks if you're going to dismiss your Twi'lek before you start and you have the option of saying "She stays".

We don't fully understand how the ghosts work in this show. We've been told by the producers that the house has a will of its own and that it makes the ghosts appear when needed most, so perhaps the house knew that the only way that the Harmons would be happy is if they were together, dead, so prevented Violet and

Not sure if sarcastic...but how about the 13 original colonies?

Both of those events happened on Halloween, when the dead are free to roam the earth. When the sun rose, they were all required to go back to the house.

I'm afraid you may have a condition. If I were you, I'd make an appointment with a doctor to see if there's any chance of getting your sense of humor back.

There's an interesting metaphysical debate in religion about why evil exists. Quoting loosely here from memory (sorry, don't know the source), but if God can't prevent evil then he's impotent. If he chooses not to prevent evil then he's malevolent. Is he both able and willing to prevent evil?

So there were humans in the cambrian period?

While both do bank on ultimately believing in something you can't prove, in the case of the the Higgs boson, it's a situation where there are theories, experiments, and evidence that all point to and depend on the Higgs boson existing, much like dark matter. Our observations and tests simply don't make sense without

"Lederman initially wanted to call it the "goddamn particle," but his editor would not let him.[49] While use of this term may have contributed to increased media interest in particle physics and the Large Hadron Collider,[48] many scientists dislike it, since it overstates the particle's importance"

That may have been the saddest thing I've ever seen.

Calling it the "theory of evolution" is a misnomer.

GIR was created by the Tallest, not the Talls.

You should try out Launcher Pro (it's free). It breathes new life into the interface of the N1, makes it as snappy and responsive as any of the high end phones now. Of course, it won't help when you're in an application, but for speeding up the UI and experience, it makes a world of difference.

All I could think of while I watched that was, "We're fucked!"