
A. Most young people still know how to operate a record player.

I can't speak for the author, but I imagine that they meant it to mean that it's one of the only movies coming out this summer that isn't a sequel, reboot, or movie adaptation of a comic book or video game.

Not coming out on PC.

There's a difference between checkpoints and good level design. What you describe is good level design.

Hrm. . .

Yeah, at one point he said that they had 18,000 soldiers. Then when he asks how far the scout had gotten, he was at 20,000 and wasn't done counting yet. So I think you're right about that.

I think the point is that they could have chosen a demon's name that wasn't ridiculous sounding, not that they made it up.

I just laugh when you think this is a public school. ;)

+1 for awesome Community reference!

Fourth video, is it waving or brushing its teeth!?

Here's an animation outlining the proposed plan:

All I want are giant robots fighting in my face. If I get that I'll be happy.

You can actually. When it fails to sign in and says the network is down for maintenance, just hit circle and it'll let you continue into Netflix.

Well played!

Who's Hank?

Looks like a little bit like Metal Gear: The Movie. That mech in the header image looks like mini version of the GEKKOs. []

Absolutely on the first two accounts, the third isn't a necessity. :)

This will be twice now that I mention this show in the same article, but I think they tried with Voyager. The concept, story, and overall pacing of the show was very reminiscent of TOS

I'd love to see Voyager reboot with the same love, care, and attention that Battlestar Galactica got.