
@Phaz: But that makes the rewards all the better.

@mobetta: World 1-1 is by far the hardest of all of them. Not necessarily because it's the most difficult, but because you start at half health, you're still getting your bearings, you have limited equipment, and there are a decent number of traps, dragon attacks, and hidden enemies. The remaining worlds are a cake

@Walking Eye!: I finally platinum'd the asian version of the game after 102 hours and about 5 play throughs. Love it, but am so glad to be done with it.

@Hedgeworth: What you describe is almost exactly what happened. The Season 5 season finale was intended to be the series finale and there was never a Season 6 planned. They are looking to move into a more episodic format (closer to seasons 1 and 2) and away from the major story arcs for a while until they get their

@McNutsack: How much would you let it go for?

@necgray: Well, The Last Exorcism up until the last 10 minutes anyway.

This is super old and part of a collection of stories on [] There are some pretty good ones in there including one where they convinced the Nigerians that they were working on a handwriting detection algorithm and needed handwriting samples. They conned them into writing out one of the Harry Potter

@tinyoakpictures: That's not really evolution. That's selective breeding. Essentially, humans have jumped in and turbo charged "evolution" to meet their own needs.

@Szin: Technically, they didn't "devolve". They exhibited symptoms similar to devolving as a result of a virus.

I've always wondered about the future of humans.

@evility: Even if the show does end up sucking a great deal from here on out...the way they ended Season 5 means I can call that the end of the show and ignore everything past that.

@Brandroid: I am totally gay for Sam and Dean. This is my guilty pleasure show...well, it was a guilty pleasure show for the first season and a half then it got damn good.

@perry570: You tainted the point of your comment when you called the Move a Wii ripoff. Yes, they are similar, but my point is that Sony has publicly been promoting their Move technology long before the Wii was even a twinkle in Nintendo consumer's eyes.

@ginazninja: Actually, based on tech demos that have been shown both present and the past show that the Move would in fact be able to do leg tracking. Check out the Move tech demos. Granted, it doesn't have the granularity of the Kinect (number of joints, etc) it absolutely can track your entire body (Kung Fu Live

@perry570: You realize that Richard Marks has been showing tech demos of Move technology and motion controlled technology since 2001, right? Five years before the Wii was released.

@TheMightyEthan: It flies in the face of everything Microsoft wants Kinect to be. Yes, you can use a controller with Kinect, but the entire appeal and their entire marketing campaign are centered on a controller-less (and therefore button-less) platform.

@ginazninja: Kudo also claimed that Kinect will outsell the iPad. While the sales figures aren't in, that's a bold and pretty foolish claim to be honest. So I put little stock in what he says.

@Biokevin: While they probably will add the controller at some point, that would fly in the face of the entire marketing campaign and their giant push for a controller-less interface.

@Rolando R Cappas: Manta rays and sting rays are very different creatures.