
@heretrix: That's not a fix, that's a workaround, and one I know about. But it seems ridiculous that it's even an issue.

@Kai200X: There are two things that will make it "right" for PS3 owners. First is trophy support, second is fixing the freeze up that happens during system notifications. Everything else is just about the same on Xbox or PC.

@Bissrok: Oh man, I would love to see a polished release of Mythos.

Is that image from Black Friday on Arrested Development? If so, awesome!!!

I'm wondering if it's because they didn't want the Beatles associated with some of the other groups and bands on Rockband? A sense of elitism? I dunno, but playing a back to back set list with The Conjuring by Megadeth and Lovely Rita might not appeal to them.

The major things I've noticed: A temporary lockup whenever a system notification happens. Some frame rate issues. Texture popups. That's it mostly...none of those make it completely unplayable, but it's...annoying. Oh yeah, and give us trophies.

@Snappywave: Do yourself a favor and pick it up anyway. The only major bug that I've run across is the freezing during friends list notifications for a few seconds, just sign out of the PSN and play, no problem. :)

@thegreatpablo: One more one last note...the lead development platform for COD4 was the 360 and it was ported to the PS3 just fine. So, any arguments against the PS3 being the lead platform are moot since they proved they could do a good port.

@thegreatpablo: One last note before I leave for the day...why is anyone making excuses for a company releasing a broken product? Regardless of what platform it's on, regardless of who it caters to, if a company releases a product that sucks, consumers should take notice. EA is a pretty crappy company...but even

@torched: You're mistaken. The reviews had no bearing whatsoever on what I experience everytime my buddy logs in and my game freezes for 3-4 seconds. And just because you don't care about trophies doesn't mean that they aren't valuable to others...obviously they are, otherwise achievements/trophies would be a thing

@torched: I think you're missing the point. I'm sure there are a lot of people, like myself, who own a PS3 but not an Xbox. We're stuck with the terrible and underbaked ports. As a paying customer, darkwhitehair, and anyone else who purchased the PS3 version that's upset has every right to be upset, we received an

@kadjisan: Not sure what you mean. They're "general audience" is gamers. It has nothing to do with platforms. If they weren't going to release a quality product, they don't develop for that platform, especially if, as you say, they're "general audience" is on the other platform.

@kadjisan: That's hardly an excuse. Lots of developers have successfully ported games to the PS3 with little to no difficulty. Look at COD4 for instance. EA even went as far as making the PS3 the lead development platform which has made games like Deadspace run identically to it's Xbox counterpart.

There's definitely some data that I would love to have access to. The obvious stuff like how many people played my level, how many played it multiple times, etc. But also things like how many people used the rewards I offered at the end of my level, etc.

Probably worth noting that the shipments for most retailers are only for preorders. If you did not preorder, you will have to wait.

While I can understand the arguments for leaving the song in, at the same time, there's something to said about playing it safe. There ARE people out there who would be offended by this. The very fact that someone reported it to MM as offensive is proof of that. So, to play it safe, and please the largest number of

The PS3 mod looks fantastic and I would kill for one...but the controller looks...bleh. Don't like the design and the D-pad at all.

@Noks415: The other day, while playing through Uncharted for the fourth time, I thought to myself, Nathan Fillion would be GREAT as Drake.

Oh, and for what it's worth, I read the entire series and actually really enjoyed it. It'll be interesting to see how they actually integrate gameplay into it, but the story and setting have potential.

So'll be a game where you play someone playing an MMO?