
Sleepwalker is gonna be hard on the guitar methinks.

@Pizza_Guy: Sure is, and they started moving toward the "metal" sound in about 2003 or so, the Train of Thought was a complete metal album.

Okay, if this game does any more than it already looks like it's gonna do...I'll probably explode...literally. It'll be messy.

@mariospants: You can also just hold down the PS button for a second or so longer to get that same screen.

This game needs a LOT of work... I posted my thoughts about it here:

@MrPhil: Erm, no. They said it was on Expert and they would scale back from there. Neil failed out because there appeared to be a positioning problem with the drum kit that caused him to stop playing for several seconds, which failed them out.

I'm hoping that the fact that they didn't flaunt this as an "exclusive partnership" means the other console will see it as well. Unfortunately, I do not own a 360 and would love to take advantage of something like this.

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Unless they are shifting gears, I'm not really sure we'd see Battery in Rockband with it being an instrumental and all.

I can't stop laughing at the thought of a creature running around killing other with "short angry squats".

The reasoning is sound, but it still kinda sucks. heh

@Replica23: "WoW is easily the standard when it comes to MMO's, but comparing a 3.5 year old game to one of 1 1/2 months in this manner is silly."

@Vidunder: I've played AOC to level 55 and my account with WoW has been active since day 1. I've also played CoH, FFXI, Lineage 2, Everquest, Everquest 2, LotRO, DDO, Eve, Archlord, DAoC, and probably a few others I'm forgetting. I'm certainly not new to the genre or it's problems, and I'm certainly not narrow

@Eric: Server stability and finished content are two different issues that shouldn't be confused.

@Jusoon: I have to wholeheartedly disagree with you. Not once during my trek to 60 OR 70 in WoW did I have to stop and grind because there was a lack of content. Sure, there might have been a lack of end game content at release, but personally, I find that to be inexcusable in this day and age.

@dry-roasted-peanuts: There's a subtle difference between a game that is still being refined and polished and a game that flat out isn't done.

@turkish101: You beat me too it. I was going to say "WoW doesn't give me E. Coli."

I am officially scared.